I use the code below to make the text of the clicked item bold
I just want to keep the text of the currently clicked item in bold. Is that possible?
In addition:
1.change the item text font
2.Gets icon and image data
Icon = "CellIconAndTextOpts.frx":0000
Images = "CellIconAndTextOpts.frx":058A
ResizerSample.MouseIcon = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\grabhnd2.cur")
really no solution?
I just want to keep the text of the currently clicked item in bold. Is that possible?
#sub li3_ItemClick
function XtremeSuiteControls.ListViewItem'Item ;;XtremeSuiteControls._DListView'li3
;out Item.Text
sel Item.Index
,case 1
,run "control"
,case 2
,run "control"
,case 3
,run "control"
,case 4
,run "control"
In addition:
1.change the item text font
2.Gets icon and image data
Icon = "CellIconAndTextOpts.frx":0000
Images = "CellIconAndTextOpts.frx":058A
ResizerSample.MouseIcon = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\grabhnd2.cur")
really no solution?