AStyle does not support some C# features, for example verbatim and raw strings. Damages these strings.
Workaround: with Roslyn find these strings and replace with safe strings. After formatting restore.
Workaround: with Roslyn find these strings and replace with safe strings. After formatting restore.
// script "AStyle.cs"
role editorExtension;
testInternal Au.Editor;
r Au.Editor.dll;
r Au.Controls.dll;
c \AStyleInterface.cs;
r Roslyn\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.dll;
r Roslyn\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
if (!CodeInfo.GetContextAndDocument(out var cd, metaToo: true)) return;
var text = cd.code;
var a = new List<(TextSpan, string)>();
foreach (var n in cd.syntaxRoot.DescendantNodes()) {
switch (n) {
case LiteralExpressionSyntax when n.Kind() is SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression or SyntaxKind.Utf8StringLiteralExpression:
case InterpolatedStringExpressionSyntax:
var span = n.Span;
if (n.GetFirstToken().Kind() is SyntaxKind.StringLiteralToken && text[span.Start] != '@') continue; //simple string
a.Add((span, text[span.Start..span.End]));
if (a.Count > 0) {
var b = new StringBuilder();
int end = 0, i = 0;
foreach (var (v, s) in a) {
b.Append(text, end, v.Start - end);
b.AppendFormat("\"\x1{0}\"", i++);
end = v.End;
b.Append(text, end, text.Length - end);
text = b.ToString();
var aStyle = new AStyleInterface();
text = aStyle.FormatSource(text, "style=allman");
if (a.Count > 0) {
text = text.RxReplace(@"""\x1\d+""", m => a[text.ToInt(m.Start + 2)].Item2);
#region code to format
class C {
public void F() {
var a = @"verbatim
string F() {
a = """
string F() {
a = $"""
string F() {1
+ 2}
var b = @"UTF-8
string F() {
//TODO: in the same way escape #if-disabled code
class D {
class D {