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Some operations of QM_Grid control
Now there is only one last problem that has not been solved. There is a function I need in the find and replacement panel of QM (as shown in the figure below). Where can I find the code of this function?
[Image: 1677827049]

Bug4: Match case does not work

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,case EN_CHANGE<<16|14 ;;Replace
,str fi.getwintext(id(13 hDlg))
,str re.getwintext(id(14 hDlg))
,Pre.getwintext(id(4 hDlg))
,Suf.getwintext(id(5 hDlg))
,Ex.getwintext(id(16 hDlg))
,for _i 0 g.RowsCountGet
,,_s=g.CellGet(_i 0)
,,if(empty(Ex)) Ex.GetFilenameExt(_s)
,,_s.from(Pre fn Suf "." Ex)
,,if(but(id(17 hDlg))) _s.findreplace(fi re)
,,else _s.findreplace(fi re 1)
,,g.CellSet(_i 1 _s)

Add: Support regular expressions

There is only the last question. I don't understand regular expressions

It seems that the problem has been solved, but it may not be complete Smile

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,case EN_CHANGE<<16|14 ;;Replace
,str fi.getwintext(id(13 hDlg))
,str re.getwintext(id(14 hDlg))
,Pre.getwintext(id(4 hDlg))
,Suf.getwintext(id(5 hDlg))
,Ex.getwintext(id(16 hDlg))
,for _i 0 g.RowsCountGet
,,_s=g.CellGet(_i 0)
,,if(empty(Ex)) Ex.GetFilenameExt(_s)
,,_s.from(Pre fn Suf "." Ex)
,,if(but(id(10 hDlg)) and but(id(17 hDlg)))
,,,_s.replacerx(fi re)
,,if(but(id(10 hDlg)) and !but(id(17 hDlg)))
,,,_s.replacerx(fi re 1)
,,if(but(id(17 hDlg)) and !but(id(10 hDlg)))
,,,_s.findreplace(fi re)
,,,_s.findreplace(fi re 1)
,,g.CellSet(_i 1 _s)

The text in the rule needs to be escaped. If someone can improve it, thank you in advance

Messages In This Thread
Some operations of QM_Grid control - by Davider - 02-28-2023, 01:59 AM
RE: Some operations of QM_Grid control - by Davider - 02-28-2023, 07:06 AM

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