Now there is only one last problem that has not been solved. There is a function I need in the find and replacement panel of QM (as shown in the figure below). Where can I find the code of this function?
Bug4: Match case does not work
Add: Support regular expressions
There is only the last question. I don't understand regular expressions
It seems that the problem has been solved, but it may not be complete
The text in the rule needs to be escaped. If someone can improve it, thank you in advance
Bug4: Match case does not work
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|14 ;;Replace
,str fi.getwintext(id(13 hDlg))
,str re.getwintext(id(14 hDlg))
,Pre.getwintext(id(4 hDlg))
,Suf.getwintext(id(5 hDlg))
,Ex.getwintext(id(16 hDlg))
,for _i 0 g.RowsCountGet
,,_s=g.CellGet(_i 0)
,,if(empty(Ex)) Ex.GetFilenameExt(_s)
,,_s.from(Pre fn Suf "." Ex)
,,if(but(id(17 hDlg))) _s.findreplace(fi re)
,,else _s.findreplace(fi re 1)
,,g.CellSet(_i 1 _s)
Add: Support regular expressions
There is only the last question. I don't understand regular expressions
It seems that the problem has been solved, but it may not be complete
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|14 ;;Replace
,str fi.getwintext(id(13 hDlg))
,str re.getwintext(id(14 hDlg))
,Pre.getwintext(id(4 hDlg))
,Suf.getwintext(id(5 hDlg))
,Ex.getwintext(id(16 hDlg))
,for _i 0 g.RowsCountGet
,,_s=g.CellGet(_i 0)
,,if(empty(Ex)) Ex.GetFilenameExt(_s)
,,_s.from(Pre fn Suf "." Ex)
,,if(but(id(10 hDlg)) and but(id(17 hDlg)))
,,,_s.replacerx(fi re)
,,if(but(id(10 hDlg)) and !but(id(17 hDlg)))
,,,_s.replacerx(fi re 1)
,,if(but(id(17 hDlg)) and !but(id(10 hDlg)))
,,,_s.findreplace(fi re)
,,,_s.findreplace(fi re 1)
,,g.CellSet(_i 1 _s)
The text in the rule needs to be escaped. If someone can improve it, thank you in advance