05-03-2023, 02:59 PM
I would like to convert this QM script to a LA script:
Function mic_is_on
How do I do that?
I would like to convert this QM script to a LA script:
Function mic_is_on
int ticheck
,int w=wait(-1 WV win("" "Shell_TrayWnd"))
,Acc a.Find(w "PUSHBUTTON" "Turn Dragon's Microphone Off" "class=ToolbarWindow32[]id=1504" 0x5 1)
,if a.NotFound
,,if ticheck =1
,,,OnScreenDisplay "Dragon microphone is OFF" 2 0 -1 "Arial" 0 4 0xff0000
,,if ticheck =0
,,,OnScreenDisplay "Dragon microphone is ON" -1 0 -1 "Arial" 0 4 0xff0000
How do I do that?