Hi Gintaras,
Your method of elm.Html. with HtmlAgilityPack is perfect combination. Now I can easily extract any text or other format (I mean any Elm) I wanted from any webpage.
That's so nice!
Thank you so much!
Your method of elm.Html. with HtmlAgilityPack is perfect combination. Now I can easily extract any text or other format (I mean any Elm) I wanted from any webpage.
That's so nice!
Thank you so much!
// script ""
/*/ nuget -\HtmlAgilityPack; /*/
using HtmlAgilityPack;
var w = wnd.find(1, "The Best Python Cheat Sheet | Zero To Mastery - Google Chrome", "Chrome_WidgetWin_1");
foreach (var e in w.Elm["web:GROUPING", prop: "@id=cheatsheet-content"]["TEXT", prop: "level=2"].FindAll()) {
var html = e.Html(false);
var doc1 = new HtmlDocument();