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Remote contol of XYplorer
Thanks MBaas for sharing your code.
I also love and recommend xyPlorer as filemanager and created a little helper class prXyPlorer to interact with it from LA.
There are two possible ways of interaction between LA and xyPlorer:
  1. Messages from LA to xyPlorer like your code-snippet does
  2. Using commandline option /feed= of xyPlorer which my class also implements
Either calls FeedToXyPlorer and SendToXyPlorer are prepared to receive back results from xyPlorer to a registered window as messages coming in via WM_COPYDATA as shown in enclosed sample partial Program class.

Sample calls of helper class could be like following to get back the actual path of first active tab in xyPlorer:
  • prXyplorer.SendToXyPlorer("tab('get', 'path', 1)");
  • prXyplorer.FeedToXyPlorer("tab('get', 'path', 1)");

Any suggestions or extensions of that prXyPlorer-helperclass are welcome.
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[code]// class "prXyPlorer.cs"
role classLibrary;
outputPath %folders.Workspace%\dll;

using System.Text;

using Au;
using Au.More;

public class prXyplorer {

  #region Fields

  /// <summary>
Startup directory of xyPlorer (working directory with scripts).
  /// </summary>
  public static string xyDir = @"C:\Users\Siegfried\AppData\Roaming\XYplorer";

  /// <summary>
Full path to xyPlorer exe.
  /// </summary>
  public static string xyExe = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe";

  private static wnd wndReceiver = default;

  #endregion Fields

  #region Methods

  /// <summary>
Calls XyPlorer Functions via commandline option '/feed=' and get result back via registered wnd message pump using WM_COPYDATA.
  /// </summary>
<param name="script"> xyPlorer Script to call </param>
<returns> result string should be empty because result comes back via message pump of receiver-window using WM_COPYDATA </returns>
  public static string FeedToXyPlorer(string script) {$"FeedToXyPlorer({script})");

    string xyArgs = $"/feed=|{CreateXyPlorerCall(script)}|";$"run.console([out] string, {xyExe}, {xyArgs}, {xyDir}, Encoding.UTF8)");
    int result = run.console(out string xyReturned, xyExe, xyArgs, xyDir, Encoding.UTF8);$"run.console([out] {xyReturned}) = {result}");
    return xyReturned;

  /// <summary>
Return window of running instance of xyPlorer or starting up new instance.
  /// </summary>
<returns> Return window of xyPlorer </returns>
  public static wnd GetXyplorer() {
    wnd wndXyplorer = wnd.findOrRun(cn: "ThunderRT6FormDC", run: () => {$"start xyplorer");, dirEtc: xyDir);

    return wndXyplorer;

  /// <summary>
Register window which should receive result back via WM_COPYDATA from XyPlorerCalls
  /// </summary>
<param name="receiver"> </param>
  public static void RegisterReceiver(wnd receiver) {$"RegisterReceiver({receiver})");
    wndReceiver = receiver;

  /// <summary>
Call xyPlorer functions and get result back via registered wnd message pump using WM_COPYDATA.
  /// </summary>
<param name="script"> xyPlorer Script to call </param>
<example> prXyplorer.SendToXyPlorer("tab('get', 'path', 1)"); // gets path of first actual tab </example>
<returns> result string should be empty because result comes back via message pump of receiver-window using WM_COPYDATA </returns>
  public static string SendToXyPlorer(string script) {
    wnd w = wnd.findOrRun(of: "xyplorer.exe", run: () =>"xyplorer.exe"));
    if (w.Is0) return "";
    WndCopyData.SendReceive<char>(w, 0x00400001, CreateXyPlorerCall(script), out string receivedFromXyPlorer);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(receivedFromXyPlorer)) {$"Unexpected data received from xyPlorer {receivedFromXyPlorer}");

    return receivedFromXyPlorer;

  private static string CreateXyPlorerCall(string commandlist) {
    string result = commandlist;
    if (!wndReceiver.Is0) {
      result = $"::copydata '{wndReceiver.Handle}', ({commandlist}), 0;";
    }$"CreateXyPlorerCall({commandlist}) = {result}");
    return result;

  #endregion Methods


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[code]// class "xyPlorer-Program.cs"
pr .\prXyPlorer.cs;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using Au;
using Au.More;
using Au.Types;

using Microsoft.Win32;

internal partial class Program {

  #region Methods

  //File/directory triggers. More info in Cookbook.
  private static void _FileTriggers() {
    using var fw = new FileSystemWatcher(@"C:\Test");

    //you can specify various filters etc
    //fw.IncludeSubdirectories = true;

    //set one or more events

    fw.Created += (o, e) => {$"{e.ChangeType}, {e.Name}, {e.FullPath}"); };
    fw.Deleted += (o, e) => {$"{e.ChangeType}, {e.Name}, {e.FullPath}"); };
    fw.Renamed += (o, e) => {$"{e.ChangeType}, {e.Name}, {e.OldName}"); };
    fw.Changed += (o, e) => {$"{e.ChangeType}, {e.Name}, {e.FullPath}"); };

    //fw.Error += (o, e) => { prLog.Log(prLogMode.LogMessage, e.GetException()); };
    fw.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

    //using var fw2 = new FileSystemWatcher(@"C:\Another directory");
    //fw2.Created += ...
    // ...
    //fw2.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

    //then wait or execute any code. Event handlers run in another thread.; //wait forever

    //keys.waitForHotkey(0, "Esc"); //another "wait" example
    //"File change events", buttons: "Stop", x: ^0); //another "wait" example


  //Process triggers. More info in Cookbook.
  private static void _ProcessTriggers() {
    foreach (var v in process.triggers()) {$"{v}");
      if (v.Started)$"{process.getDescription(v.Id)}, {process.getName(v.Id, fullPath: true)}, {process.getCommandLine(v.Id)}");

  //When changed screen (display monitor) count, configuration, DPI (text size, scaling), resolution or other properties.
  private void _SystemEvent_DisplaySettingsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {$"{nameof(_SystemEvent_DisplaySettingsChanged)}({sender}, {e})");

  //When power mode changed (battery/AC etc).
  private void _SystemEvent_PowerModeChanged(object sender, PowerModeChangedEventArgs e) {$"{nameof(_SystemEvent_PowerModeChanged)}({sender}, {e})");$"PowerMode {e.Mode} Battery={computer.isOnBattery}, {Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}");

  //When computer suspending (sleep, hibernate) or resumed.
  private void _SystemEvent_ResumeEvent(PowerModes pm) {$"{nameof(_SystemEvent_ResumeEvent)}({pm}), {Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}");

  //When started to log off or shutdown actually.
  private void _SystemEvent_SessionEnded(object sender, SessionEndedEventArgs e) {$"{nameof(_SystemEvent_SessionEnded)}({sender}, {e})");"SessionEnded", e.Reason);

  //When trying to log off or shutdown.
  private void _SystemEvent_SessionEnding(object sender, SessionEndingEventArgs e) {$"{nameof(_SystemEvent_SessionEnding)}({sender}, {e})");"SessionEnding", e.Reason);

    //e.Cancel = true;

  //When switching user sessions, locking/unlocking the computer, etc.
  private void _SystemEvent_SessionSwitch(object sender, SessionSwitchEventArgs e) {$"{nameof(_SystemEvent_SessionSwitch)}({sender}, {e})");"SessionSwitch", e.Reason);

  //When changed some system setting. See API SystemParametersInfo.
  private void _SystemEvent_UserPreferenceChanged(object sender, UserPreferenceChangedEventArgs e) {$"{nameof(_SystemEvent_UserPreferenceChanged)}({sender}, {e})");"UserPreferenceChanged", e.Category);

  private void ClipboardTriggers() {
    var w1 = WndUtil.CreateMessageOnlyWindow(static nint (wnd w, int msg, nint wp, nint lp) => {
      switch (msg) {
        case Api.WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE:

          //if want to get clipboard text, do it with a delay, else it may interfere with other clipboard programs or scripts
          //timer.after(100, _ => {
          //    var s = clipboard.text;
          //    prLog.Log(prLogMode.LogMessage, s);


        case Api.WM_COPYDATA:

          // SR-COPYDATA receive WM_COPYDATA from external program
$"WM_COPYDATA trigger {w} {wp} {lp}");
          WndCopyData copyData = new WndCopyData(lp);
          string receivedData = copyData.GetString();
$"WM_COPYDATA received '{receivedData}'");


        case Api.WM_EXITMENULOOP:

        case Api.WM_COMMAND:
$"WM_COMMAND trigger {w} {wp} {lp}");

$"OtherTriggers {msg}");

      return Api.DefWindowProc(w, msg, wp, lp);

    // register xyPlorer


  private void OtherTriggers() {

    //Add other triggers here. More info in Cookbook.
    //Click the Run button to apply changes after editing.

    computer.suspendResumeEvent += _SystemEvent_ResumeEvent;
    SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged += _SystemEvent_PowerModeChanged;
    SystemEvents.DisplaySettingsChanged += _SystemEvent_DisplaySettingsChanged;
    SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged += _SystemEvent_UserPreferenceChanged;
    SystemEvents.SessionEnding += _SystemEvent_SessionEnding;
    SystemEvents.SessionEnded += _SystemEvent_SessionEnded;
    SystemEvents.SessionSwitch += _SystemEvent_SessionSwitch;

    //note: all above event handler functions run in other thread.

  #endregion Methods

  #region Classes

  private unsafe class Api : NativeApi {

    #region Fields

    internal const int WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE = 0x31D;

    internal const int WM_COMMAND = 0x0111;

    internal const int WM_CONTEXTMENU = 0x007B;

    internal const int WM_COPYDATA = 0x004A;

    internal const int WM_DDE_EXECUTE = 0x03E8;

    // DDE
    internal const int WM_DDE_INITIATE = 0x03E0;

    internal const int WM_DDE_TERMINATE = 0x03E1;

    // MENU
    internal const int WM_EXITMENULOOP = 0x0212;

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    internal static extern bool AddClipboardFormatListener(wnd hwnd);

DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "DefWindowProcW")]
    internal static extern nint DefWindowProc(wnd hWnd, int msg, nint wParam, nint lParam);

    #endregion Methods
AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)] private class ToolbarsAttribute : Attribute { }

AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)] private class TriggersAttribute : Attribute { }
  #endregion Classes


Messages In This Thread
Remote contol of XYplorer - by MBaas - 03-03-2024, 01:40 PM
RE: Remote contol of XYplorer - by AutoStarter - 03-05-2024, 08:25 AM
RE: Remote contol of XYplorer - by MBaas - 03-05-2024, 09:31 AM

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