07-12-2024, 11:51 AM
My web browser can't connect to serveo.net today.
I don't see problems with ngrok. It gives a free static URL. With it the ngrok agent can run hidden:
I don't see problems with ngrok. It gives a free static URL. With it the ngrok agent can run hidden:
string ngrok = @"C:\Downloads\ngrok.exe";
string cl = "http --domain=my-static-domain.ngrok-free.app 4455";
run.it(ngrok, cl); //visible
//run.it(ngrok, cl, dirEtc: new() { WindowState = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden }); //hidden
//run.it(ngrok, cl, flags: RFlags.WaitForExit, dirEtc: new() { WindowState = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden }); //hidden, wait
//run.console(ngrok, cl); //hidden, wait