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Regarding the Mouse Information Output Bar
Adds new panel. Edit the text formatting code to make 2 lines.

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// script "Editor extension - modify UI.cs"
role editorExtension;
testInternal Au.Editor;
r Au.Editor.dll;
r Au.Controls.dll;

using Au.Controls;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;

EditorExtension.WindowLoaded += () => _Load();

static void _Load() {
    // Add panel.
    const string epName = "Mouse2";
    var ep = Panels.PanelManager[epName];
    if (ep == null) {
        ep = Panels.PanelManager.AddNewExtension(false, epName);

    var panel = new PanelMouse2();
    ep.Content = panel.P;

class PanelMouse2 {
    KScintilla _sci;
    POINT _prevXY;
    wnd _prevWnd;
    string _prevWndName;
    int _prevCounter;
    public PanelMouse2() {
        //P.UiaSetName("Mouse panel"); //no UIA element for Panel
        _sci = new KScintilla_(this) { Name = "Mouse_info2" };

    public Grid P { get; } = new();
    void _MouseInfo() {
        //using var p1 = perf.local();
        if (!P.IsVisible) return;
        var p = mouse.xy;
        if (p == _prevXY && ++_prevCounter < 4) return; _prevCounter = 0; //use less CPU. c and wName rarely change when same p.
        var c = wnd.fromXY(p);
        var w = c.Window;
        string wName = w.Name;
        if (p == _prevXY && c == _prevWnd && wName == _prevWndName) return;
        _prevXY = p;
        _prevWnd = c;
        _prevWndName = wName;
        string lineSep = App.Settings.mouse_singleLine ? "    ..    " : "\r\n";
        int limit = Math.Clamp(App.Settings.mouse_limitText, 20, 10000);
        var b = new StringBuilder();
        var cn = w.ClassName;
        if (cn != null) {
            //TODO: edit this code to make 2 lines.
            var pc = p; w.MapScreenToClient(ref pc);
            b.AppendFormat("<b>Mouse</b> {0,5} {1,5}  .  <b>in window</b> {2,5} {3,5}    ..    <b>Program</b>  {4}",
                p.x, p.y, pc.x, pc.y, w.ProgramName?.Escape(limit));
            if (c.UacAccessDenied) b.Append(" <c red>(admin)<>");
            b.AppendFormat("{0}<b>Window   ", lineSep);
            var name = wName?.Escape(limit); if (!name.NE()) b.AppendFormat("</b>{0}  .  <b>", name);
            b.Append("cn</b>  ").Append(cn.Escape(limit));
            if (c != w) {
                b.AppendFormat("{0}<b>Control   id</b>  {1}  .  <b>cn</b>  {2}",
                    lineSep, c.ControlId, c.ClassName?.Escape(limit));
                var ct = c.Name;
                if (!ct.NE()) b.Append("  .  <b>name</b>  ").Append(ct.Escape(limit));
else if (cn == "#32768") {
                var m = MenuItemInfo.FromXY(p, w, 50);
                if (m != null) {
                    b.AppendFormat("{0}<b>Menu   id</b>  {1}", lineSep, m.ItemId);
                    if (m.IsSystem) b.Append(" (system)");
                    //, true));

            //rejected. Makes this func 5 times slower.
            //var color = CaptureScreen.Pixel(p);

        var s = b.ToString();

    //public void SetMouseInfoText(string text)
    //    if(Dispatcher.Thread == Thread.CurrentThread) _SetMouseInfoText(text);
    //    else Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => _SetMouseInfoText(text));
    //    void _SetMouseInfoText(string text) { _sci.aaaSetText(text); }

    internal class KScintilla_ : KScintilla {
        PanelMouse2 _p;
        internal KScintilla_(PanelMouse2 panel) {
            _p = panel;
            AaInitReadOnlyAlways = true;
            AaInitTagsStyle = KScintilla.AaTagsStyle.AutoAlways;

        protected override void AaOnHandleCreated() {
            aaaStyleBackColor(Sci.STYLE_DEFAULT, 0xF0F0F0);
            aaaStyleFont(Sci.STYLE_DEFAULT, App.Wmain);
            aaaMarginSetWidth(1, 4);
            Call(Sci.SCI_SETWRAPMODE, Sci.SC_WRAP_WORD);
            App.Timer025sWhenVisible += _p._MouseInfo;

        //protected override IntPtr WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled) {
        //    //WndUtil.PrintMsg(out var s, default, msg, wParam, lParam); print.qm2.write(s);
        //    switch (msg) {
        //    //case Api.WM_CONTEXTMENU:
        //    //    var m = new popupMenu();
        //    //    m.AddCheck("Single line", App.Settings.mouse_singleLine, o => { App.Settings.mouse_singleLine = o.IsChecked; });
        //    //    m["Text length..."] = o => { if (dialog.showInputNumber(out int i, "Mouse panel", "Maximal length of name, cn and program strings.", editText: App.Settings.mouse_limitText, owner: Handle)) App.Settings.mouse_limitText = i > 0 ? i : 100; };
        //    //    m.Show(owner: Handle);
        //    //    return default;
        //    }
        //    return base.WndProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, ref handled);


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RE: Regarding the Mouse Information Output Bar - by Gintaras - 08-07-2024, 05:58 AM

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