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Dynamic windows title

I am trying to create a macro where one of the windows have a dynamic title that changes depending on the source.
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int w1=act(win("Artikkelregister | 880014829" "*.Window.*"))
    lef 1097 24 w1 1 ;;egenskapsside 'The Ribbon', verktøylinje 'Quick Access Toolbar'
    lef 507 143 w1 1 ;;sidekategoriliste, sidekategori 'Innkjøp'
    lef 514 603 w1 1 ;;kontur, celle 'Ny row 3'
    lef 515 603 w1 1 ;;kontur, celle 'Ny row 3'

It is the 8800*** number that can be something completely different. Either shorter or longer number or only text. But no longer than 20 characters. 

How can i solve this?

Messages In This Thread
Dynamic windows title - by kgunders - Yesterday, 01:26 PM
RE: Dynamic windows title - by Gintaras - Yesterday, 03:56 PM

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