12-07-2006, 06:05 PM
int+ g_tbkb_aw=win
int tb=win("TOOLBAR19" "QM_Toolbar")
if(!tb) tb=mac("Toolbar19")
act id(9999 tb)
This code activates toolbar "Toolbar19". Then you can select buttons with arrow keys, press button with spacebar, calcel with Esc.
Also create toolbar hook function that will deactivate toolbar window.
Function tbkb_hook
function# hWnd message wParam lParam
int+ g_tbkb_aw
sel message
,if(g_tbkb_aw and hWnd=win)
,,act g_tbkb_aw; err
,if(wParam=0) g_tbkb_aw=0
And assign it to the toolbar (in Properties).