01-20-2007, 12:22 AM
ok bro i found it out, but this is the thing now. i show the code.
what i want to do now is i type the # into a dialog then hit search, then i wana use getwintext so that when i run the macro it gets the text from the dialog then searches for it. instead of having to type it in the Macro itself. i was wondoring if you could help me out and that is my last question i have besides how you make dialog timer count like 00:00:00:00 in minutes and hours and seconds. what i want is the # 810 to equal string s. so that when i change the # in dialog it will change in the code.
str s.getwintext(id(6"Search"));err
Acc a=acc("Excel 810" "LISTITEM" "Excel" "SysListView32" "" 0x1031);err
what i want to do now is i type the # into a dialog then hit search, then i wana use getwintext so that when i run the macro it gets the text from the dialog then searches for it. instead of having to type it in the Macro itself. i was wondoring if you could help me out and that is my last question i have besides how you make dialog timer count like 00:00:00:00 in minutes and hours and seconds. what i want is the # 810 to equal string s. so that when i change the # in dialog it will change in the code.