09-13-2007, 10:55 PM
Better version: Create scheduled task to run a macro or program
Function ScheduleMacro
Function ScheduleMacro
function $macro $_time [$_date] [$_enddate] [flags] [scheduletype] [daysinterval] [WEEKLY&weekly] [MONTHLYDATE&monthlydate] [MONTHLYDOW&monthlydow] [idleminutes] [idlewatchminutes] ;;scheduletype: 0 once, 1 daily, 2 weekly, 3 monthlydate, 4 monthlydow, 5 idle, 7 logon. flags: 2 delete task if not scheduled to run again, 4 disabled, 0x10 start only if idle, 0x20 end macro if computer ceases to be idle, 0x40 don't start if on batteries, 0x80 end macro if battery mode begins, 0x200 hidden, 0x800 start again when idle state resumes, 0x1000 wake computer
;Creates scheduled task for a macro.
;If the task already exists, at first deletes it.
;Throws error if the task cannot be created or changed.
;Note: Schedule of the task is not displayed in QM until QM is restarted or file reloaded or task properties dialog is opened through macro Properties dialog.
;Requires QM 2.2.0 or later.
;macro - QM item name or +id. It should be function, but also can be macro or item of other type.
;_time - start time. Examples: "20:00", "00:41".
;_date - start date. Example: "12/31/2007". Default or "": today. Note: date string format depends on your computer locale settings.
;_enddate - end date. Default or "": has no end date.
;flags, scheduletype - see above and below.
;daysinterval - use if scheduletype is 1 (daily). Default or 0: every day.
;weekly - variable that defines weekly schedule. Required if scheduletype is 2 (weekly). Otherwise should be 0.
;monthlydate - variable that defines monthly schedule. Required if scheduletype is 3 (monthlydate). Otherwise should be 0.
;monthlydow - variable that defines monthly schedule. Required if scheduletype is 4 (monthlydow). Otherwise should be 0.
;idleminutes, idlewatchminutes - values specified in task properties Settings tab. Used if scheduletype is 5 or flags includes 0x10.
;WEEKLY, MONTHLYDATE and MONTHLYDOW types, as well as other scheduler types, interfaces, constants, etc are documented in the MSDN library on the internet.
;To set custom 'Run as' field, use global str variable g_sch_runas. Example: str+ g_sch_runas="COMPUTER\USER".
;ScheduleMacro "Macro477" "09:00" ;;run once, today
;ScheduleMacro "Macro477" "15:30" "12/31/2007" ;;run once, at specified date
;ScheduleMacro "Macro477" "00:45" "" "" 2 ;;run once, today, delete when done
;ScheduleMacro "Macro477" "17:00" "" "" 0 1 ;;run every day
;ScheduleMacro "Macro477" "" "" "" 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 ;;run when idle for 1 minute
;WEEKLY w; w.WeeksInterval=1; w.rgfDaysOfTheWeek=TASK_MONDAY|TASK_FRIDAY
;ScheduleMacro "Macro477" "17:00" "" "" 0 2 0 w ;;run every week at monday and friday
str s ss sm; BSTR b; int retry
ITaskScheduler ts._create(CLSID_CTaskScheduler)
ITask task
;create new task
if(macro<0x10000) _i=macro; macro=sm.getmacro(_i 1)
b=s.from("QM - " macro)
ts.NewWorkItem(b CLSID_CTask IID_ITask &task)
,if(retry or _hresult&0xff!=ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) end _error
,retry=1; ts.Delete(b); goto g1
;set properties
b=s.expandpath("$qm$\qmcl.exe"); task.SetApplicationName(b)
b=s.format("T MS ''%s''" macro); task.SetParameters(b)
,str+ g_sch_runas
,if(g_sch_runas.len) b=g_sch_runas
,else GetUserComputer s ss; b=s.from(ss "\" s)
,task.SetAccountInformation(b 0); task.SetCreator(b)
if(idleminutes) task.SetIdleWait(idleminutes iif(idlewatchminutes idlewatchminutes 60))
;set trigger (schedule)
ITaskTrigger trigger; TASK_TRIGGER t
task.CreateTrigger(+&_i &trigger)
sel scheduletype
,case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY t.Type.Daily.DaysInterval=iif(daysinterval>0 daysinterval 1)
,case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY t.Type.Weekly=weekly
,case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE t.Type.MonthlyDate=monthlydate
,case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW t.Type.MonthlyDOW=monthlydow
,d=_time; err end "invalid time string"
,d=_date; err end "invalid date string"
,d=_enddate; err end "invalid date string"
IPersistFile iFile=+task
iFile.Save(0 1)
err+ end _error