11-29-2007, 08:17 PM
btw. i tried to make the dialog center with removing WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
and adding DS_CENTER, but it doen't work.
is there a way to accomplish that when using a qm toolbar for old style dialogs ?
my current solution is to detect old dialogs and use something like:
and adding DS_CENTER, but it doen't work.
is there a way to accomplish that when using a qm toolbar for old style dialogs ?
my current solution is to detect old dialogs and use something like:
,,case ["qm","notepad++"]
,,,int sys_menu=GetSystemMenu(hwnd 0)
,,,AppendMenu(sys_menu MF_BYPOSITION|MF_STRING SC_SIZE "&Size")
,,,MoveWindow hwnd nx ny 800 600 1
,,,RECT rc; GetClientRect hwnd &rc
,,,mov rc.right-80 500 id(1 hwnd)
,,,mov 0 500 id(1090 hwnd) 1
,,,mov 0 500 id(1152 hwnd) 1
,,,mov rc.right-80 530 id(2 hwnd)
,,,mov 0 530 id(1089 hwnd) 1
,,,mov 0 530 id(1136 hwnd) 1
,,,siz rc.right-10 400 child("" "SHELLDLL_DefView" hwnd)