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pixel help
ok sounds kinda funny but me and my pool friends how yahoo snow ball fights and when one of them ims me the screen changes colors how can i use pixel to get the color mine is and if it changes blue i can make my macro buzz them 4 for they can buzz me.?
cuz im order for them to buzz it has to load on my messenger.but i dont want it to buzz any one else that might not be playing the game
any samples would be most helpful
ok not much help here but i made the functions from a link i found. findcolor or image
and from the exsample given is
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Acc a=acc("" "PANE" win("Instant Message" "YSearchMenuWndClass") "Internet Explorer_Server" "file://C:\PROGRA~1\Yahoo!\MESSEN~1\TMPIMV4.tmp" 0x1004)
if(!a.FindColor(ColorFromRGB(0 0 255) 0 0x3)) ret
out "found"

but im getting an error and it highlights a.FindColor

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Error in Function:  unknown member.

thanks for the help
Find a color or image in an accessible object
thats the link i used to get where i am now lol ty for your help
The error is because you did not create member functions Acc.FindColor and Acc.FindImage.

More info about creating member functions:
i did made both Functions same names just how the post said ill keep trying tyvm for helping

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