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Waiting for HTML Elements
Hi all,

How do I wait for an html element to load before performing an action?

int w1 = act( wait(15 WE win("Login - Windows Internet Explorer" "IEFrame")))
Htm e0= htm("SELECT" "menu3" "" w1 0 0 0x221)

I get an object not found on the 2nd line Htm e0= htm("SELECT" "menu3" "" w1 0 0 0x221)

Alternatively how can I loop a statement till it doesn't error out?

In Find Html Element dialog specify max wait time.
Awesome thanks!

Does quick macro do try/catch?

It now finds the elements but the clicking seems to work half the time.
this way I can intervene and not have to run the macro all over again.

Instead of try/catch qm uses err. Look in QM help.

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