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Several General quesitons.
1. How do you get an icon in the notifications area?

2. How do you create a shortcut on the desktop from an exe using QM...
-I would have thought the run command might do this.
I think that this is what you want for
1. AddTrayIcon
1. Get icon handle?

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_s.fix(GetModuleFileName(0 _s.all(300) 300)) ;;get path of itself
CreateShortcut "$desktop$\x.lnk" _s ;;or use $common desktop$, but then exe then must run as administrator
Thank you both...those were really simple. I can't believe I missed them in the QM list. Thanks bunches!

Jimmy Vig
Sometimes it is easier to find a function using the new (in QM 2.3.0) "Search help and tools" edit box on the toolbar.

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