09-27-2008, 02:21 PM
First post here, by the way this is a great software.
Hope it's not a stupid question ! I have created a macro which uses an IntGetFile command to check a series of pages. But every 20-30 pages it hangs and gets stuck in a particular page (random page each time). And nothing happens, no error either. I added "0 0 1" for the IntGetFile dialogue and it is confirmed, that's where the problem is.
Is there a way to put a time limit in IntGetFile so it can proceed with the rest of the macro ? (Err-/err+ doesn't work and IntPing is not that reliable. ok, the page is checked but IntGetFile may still hang when it tries to access the page again).
Also I want to know when it skips a page.Thanks in advance, I've lost many hours on this today !
First post here, by the way this is a great software.
Hope it's not a stupid question ! I have created a macro which uses an IntGetFile command to check a series of pages. But every 20-30 pages it hangs and gets stuck in a particular page (random page each time). And nothing happens, no error either. I added "0 0 1" for the IntGetFile dialogue and it is confirmed, that's where the problem is.
Is there a way to put a time limit in IntGetFile so it can proceed with the rest of the macro ? (Err-/err+ doesn't work and IntPing is not that reliable. ok, the page is checked but IntGetFile may still hang when it tries to access the page again).
Also I want to know when it skips a page.Thanks in advance, I've lost many hours on this today !