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Anyone know of a way to launch macros from the system menu (e.g., the right click menu of window titlebars), kinda like QM shell menu triggers but with the system menu instead? If a programatic way is too hard, anyone know any software that lets you add things to those menus? For example, before shell menu triggers I used software called "FileMenu Tools" to add shell menu command line entries that would launch macros.
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With QM you can add system menu items but cannot receive notifications when clicked. For it would need to create dll.
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Instead you can create menu and assign right click or middle click trigger that works only if on window icon.
This is one menu for all windows.
Trigger #Rh3
Macro650 :mac "Macro650"
Macro652 :mac "Macro652"
This is for one window (Notepad).
Trigger #Rh3 //FF_Menu22
Macro650 :mac "Macro650"
Macro652 :mac "Macro652"
Function FF_Menu22
function# iid FILTER&f
if(wintest(f.hwnd "Notepad" "Notepad")) ret iid
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Thanks, I've been using something like this in explorer and it's working well. The only problem with right-click menus is that if I use a QM menu the system one disappears, probably not possible to present both at the same time.
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I found a way to add QM macros to a window's "system menu" (the menu that pops up when you right-click on a window's titlebar).
SysMenu & SysMenuCreate functions are basically tweaked versions of PopupMenu & PopupMenuCreate .
I also added an option to return a more practical value upon menu item selection (the MenuItemNum function does this).
See example macro at end.
Function SysMenu
function# $items [x] [y] [!*flags] [accel] [hwndowner] [return_val]
;Adds items to & shows the system menu (the menu that pops up when you right-click on a window's titlebar).
;Allows you to launch QM macros from system menu.
;Returns: see return_val below
;items - list of [] delimited strings. You can add separators and submenus in the same way as in <help "::/QM_Help/IDH_POPUP.html">QM popup menus</help>.
;x y - menu position. Default: 0 0 (mouse position).
;flags - byte array, where each element can be combination of the following flags:
;;;1 disabled
;;;2 checked
;;;4 item type is radiocheck
;accel - if 1, you can use accelerator keys (characters, preceded by &). Also can contain TPM_ flags (documented in MSDN, look for TrackPopupMenuEx).
;hwndowner - owner window. Must belong to current thread.
;return val - 0 return TPM_RETURNCMD return value, 1 return item number
;See SysMenuExample for an example.
;These flags can be used in accel:
;def TPM_RIGHTALIGN 0x0008
;def TPM_VERTICAL 0x0040
str s=items
if(s.end("[]")) s.fix(s.len-2)
if(!s.len) ret
int hwnd hf hm r
if(hwndowner) hwnd=hwndowner
,hwnd=CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW|WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY +32770 0 WS_POPUP 0 0 0 0 hf 0 _hinst 0)
,SetForegroundWindow hf;; hf=0
if(x=0 and y=0) GetCursorPos(+&x)
,if(!hwndowner) hf=win
hm=SysMenuCreate(_i s flags hf)
r=TrackPopupMenuEx(hm accel~1|TPM_RETURNCMD x y hwnd 0)
GetSystemMenu(hf 1)
if(!hwndowner) DestroyWindow(hwnd)
if(hf) act hf
if(return_val) ret MenuItemNum(r items)
ret r
Function SysMenuCreate
function# &i str&items lpstr'fa hf [FINDWORDN*getlstate]
str ss.flags=1
lpstr s
int vert hm=GetSystemMenu(hf 0)
if(getlstate) _getl=*getlstate
for i i 1000000
,if(ss.getl(items -i)<0) break
,for(s ss s+ss.len) if(s[0]!9) break ;;skip tabs
,mii.fState=0; mii.dwTypeData=0; mii.fType=MF_STRING|vert
,sel s[0]
,,case '-' mii.fType=MF_SEPARATOR|vert
,,case '|' vert=MF_MENUBARBREAK; i+1; goto g2
,,case '>'
,,,mii.hSubMenu=PopupMenuCreate(&i &items fa &_getl)
,,,goto g1
,,case '<' i-1; goto gr
,,case else
,,,int flags=fa[i]
,,,if(flags&1) mii.fState|MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED
,,,if(flags&2) mii.fState|MF_CHECKED
,,,if(flags&4) mii.fType|MFT_RADIOCHECK
,InsertMenuItemW(hm 65000 0 &mii)
if(getlstate) *getlstate=_getl
ret hm
Function MenuItemNum
function #tpm_return $items
int i0 i1
if(!tpm_return) ret 0
,if(_s.getl(items)<0) break
,if(_s!="<") i0+1
,,if(_s!="-" and _s[0]!=62) i1+1
,,if(tpm_return=i0) ret i1
ret 0
Macro SysMenuExample
Trigger #Rh2
;Adds items to the system menu of all windows
sel SysMenu("-[]Item 1[]>SubA[]Item 2[]Item 3[]<[]>SubB[]>SubC[]Item 4[]Item 5[]<[]Item 6[]<[]-[]Item 7" 0 0 0 0 0 1)
,case 1: out "Item 1";; mac "mac1"
,case 2: out "Item 2";; mac "mac2"
,case 3: out "Item 3";; mac "mac3"
,case 4: out "Item 4";; mac "mac4"
,case 5: out "Item 5";; mac "mac5"
,case 6: out "Item 6";; mac "mac6"
,case 7: out "Item 7";; mac "mac7"
,case SC_CLOSE : SendMessage(win WM_SYSCOMMAND SC_CLOSE 0)
,case SC_MOVE : SendMessage(win WM_SYSCOMMAND SC_MOVE 0)
,case SC_SIZE : SendMessage(win WM_SYSCOMMAND SC_SIZE 0)
,case else ret
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None of the system commands are working with this example...I'll double check I have the names of the functions right