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How can the data of SysListView32 be displayed/read ?
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;shows text of items in a folder window
;does not work with folder windows on Windows 7

int hwnd=child("" "SysListView32" win("" "CabinetWClass") 0x1)
str s; int r c
for r 0 SendMessage(hwnd LVM_GETITEMCOUNT 0 0)
,out "--- row %i ---" r
,for c 0 5
,,if(!GetListViewItemText(hwnd r s c)) s=""
,,out s

this is for SysListView32 controls in other programs
different code would be used for controls in your dialogs
I am using this code, it is able to show that the window have 5 rows but doest not display contents.

int hwnd=child(59648 "" "SysListView32" win("ODIN" ""))
str s; int r c
for r 0 SendMessage(hwnd LVM_GETITEMCOUNT 0 0)
,out "--- row %i ---" r
,for c 0 5
,,if(!GetListViewItemText(hwnd r s c)) s=""
,,out s
Try accessible object functions.
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int hwnd=child("" "SysListView32" win("" "CabinetWClass") 0x1)
str s; int r c
Acc a=acc("" "LISTITEM" hwnd); if(!a.a) ret
,out a.Name
,out a.Description
,a.Navigate("next"); err break
This and earlier are working fine with windows folder but for the window I am trying first code just shows row and few blanks and second code displayed nothing.
Don't know why don't work. Then try this:
Screen Scrape Text Capture
Greattttttt, This TextCaptureX is amazing. Thanks for your this helpful advice. I must say you have a huge knowledge.
I have two PC one with installed copy of TextCaputreX other one donot have. On second PC each day I need to register my typelib for TextCaputureX. Is there any other so that I donot need to daily register my typelib? I cannot install TextCaputureX on second PC.
Why cant you install it on the second PC?
The other PC in my office place. There we are not allowed to install any type of softwares on the machine.
typelib TCaptureXLib {92657C70-D31B-4930-9014-379E3F6FB91A} 1.1


typelib TCaptureXLib "path of tcapturex.dll"
There are times when the following error occurs:

Error (RT) in "Macro17 /365"oMacro17: 0x80040203, A syntax error occurred trying to evaluate a query string
Capture timeout.

However no change has been made. When I restart the PC same code works fine for a period of time and shows this message again.
I havent been able to fully check this error yet but from what i have seen so far using it, it is because you waited too long to get the text. I could be wrong but i tryed it alot and found that to be true.

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