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i am struggling with this
Pointer to a character buffer that contains the new ToolTip text. ?
i do not understand what this means, i thought it was somethign liek this
SendMessage(id(16 hDlg) SB_SETTIPTEXT 0 "test")
SendMessage(id(16 hDlg) SB_SETTIPTEXT 1 "test1")
SendMessage(id(16 hDlg) SB_SETTIPTEXT 2 "test2")
also from my reading i had to set this when creating dialog
SetWinStyle hsb SBT_TOOLTIPS 1
also if u could explain what the buffer is as i cant seem to make heads and tails.
or if i have it all wrong above, im wanting to set the tool tip text for each part of the statusbar
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1. The control must be CREATED with SBT_TOOLTIPS style. SetWinStyle will not work. Look in statusbar what is SBT_TOOLTIPS value and add it in dialog definition. It is 0x800.
16 msctls_statusbar32 0x54000100 0x0 0 128 222 14 ""
16 msctls_statusbar32 0x54000900 0x0 0 128 222 14 ""
2. Tooltip is displayed only if statusbar part text is too long, or if there is only icon. This code will add long text to parts 0 and 1, and icon to part 2:
str p0="part 0"
str p1="part 1"
str sp.all(1000 2 32)
SendMessage hsb SB_SETTEXTA 0 p0
SendMessage hsb SB_SETTEXTA 1 p1
__Hicon-- hi2=GetFileIcon("$qm$\run.ico")
SendMessage(hsb SB_SETICON 2 hi2)
3. Your SB_SETTIPTEXT text code is correct.
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1. what if statusbar text is changed. can tooltip still be displayed?
anyway to do this with out setting it to be too long if you have it called from a different function?
2. is thre a limit to how long or how short it can be. i.e. how long til it cant be displayed? how short is shortest for it to be displayed?
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Everything you can do is documented in MSDN library.
Simply append 1000 spaces to any string that you show in statusbar.
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yes, i have been looking plenty in msdn - I am only begining to understand, it does help me to a certain point, where everything is over my head. At times it does becoem clear after many readings, making sure what i am lookign at is the right thing and plenty of trial and error to go with it. Which i have done plenty of. Although i do use the Archive as a back drop. there is nothing better than tryign to solve on my own and reading all the exampels provided in this forum. There are times i feel ive done all that i can to solve.
i thank you for your time.and the help you provide
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i took so long in replying i didnt even notice the changes u had made or qm_experts post.
thanks for your help once again it is working.