I have modified Gintaras 'magnifier' - and improved a little.
Also would like to make some memory functions and save to file.
I'm working on a new member function '__MemBmp.Copy' to make a copy of BMP object, but not shure how to do,- maybe Gintaras will help.
Updates will follow...
Here is a new version of my 'Screen Snapshot' project with great improvements.
Zoom in/out by pressing LBUTTON and drag up/down.
Shooting can be disabled by click on text in the statusbar.
Also window can be resized, and image will be centered automatically.
Memory function will have to wait a little, i have to take a look at 'CopyImage'.
Memory functions are almost ready, but i had one problem with the __MemBmp.Copy member function
Original bitmap was deleted after copying,- solution is to only pass adress of __MemBmp...
Because __MemBmp does not have operator=. Then QM copies each member variable. It does not know that it is bitmap handle or dc, and copies it like a simple int variable.
Most classes in System folder don't have operator=. Objects of some of these classes must never be assigned by value. & or * is OK.
Ok,- i think i understand.. hmm..
But here is again a new version with 3 memory banks.
Copy to memory by pressing LBUTTON for about 0,5sec.
Also zoom level and offset is individual, but set to 0 when copying.