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OnScreenDisplay Placement
I have my own copy of the OnScreenDisplay functions and classes and need to bump my OnScreenDisplay window closer to the top of the screen. According to a note in the OnScreenDisplay "Negative and 0 x y don't have special meaning. _monitor variable is ignored. The function still ensures that all text is in the screen." I can't move it to about a -2 or so. is there something I can change in my functions that will allow this?
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
Now cannot say what to change in functions. Can use this:
Macro Macro1599
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;OnScreenDisplay "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa[]Bbbbbbbbbbb" 0 -50 -50 "" 0 0 1|16 ;;does not work
OnScreenDisplay "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa[]Bbbbbbbbbbb" 0 0 0 "" 0 0 1|16 "test"
int w=win("test" "QM_OSD_Class" "" 1)
mov -50 -50 w

Odd thing. when I put this into the the function to show the OnScreenDisplay (note: this disploay refreshes every one second), it stops (not errors or crashes just stops) but when I put that code into a new function and call it, it works just fine. any ideas as to why?

Function Move_Big_Board
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,int w=win("New_Time_Mail" "QM_OSD_Class_Rd" "" 1)
,mov 0 -5 w 1
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
In your OSD_WndProc find line with AdjustWindowPos and replace to
Function OSD_WndProc
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,if(v.flags&0x8000) AdjustWindowPos 0 &rt 4|monf monitor
,else AdjustWindowPos 0 &rt iif(v.flags&16 1|8 1)|monf monitor

Then use flag 0x8000 with OnScreenDisplay.
works great thanks!!
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook

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