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Wait for a file in directory
Hi gintaras, hi all

i want to download a file via the IntGetFile function, and have the macro stopped until the file is enterely downloaded in the
destination folder.

I tried a rep loop for file size (something like this)
__if(filesize>0) break

but it does not work...

In other words, how to wait for a file without using the trigger feature?

Any suggestion?

IntGetFile waits?
Function Function137
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str files=

ARRAY(str) aFiles=files
for int'i 0 aFiles.len
,out "getting file"
,str localfile.getfilename(aFiles[i] 1)
,IntGetFile aFiles[i] localfile 16
,out "This won't fire until the file is downloaded"
IntGetFile is synchronous. It waits until finished. Don't need another 'wait for file' function.

If need to wait in some other context:
Repeatedly try to open the file with 'write' access until success.
I'll create such function if you need.
Or you can Open the file with CFileInterlocked Collected QM apps, functions, samples
First thanks for input both.

The real problem is that i *must* wait for the download to continue the macro.

But when the downloads begins, the file is created with 0 byte size, so the workaround is fooled
as it does not wait for the download to complete.

Maybe a lock test...but i fail at that.

If you can steer me Gintaras.
If you download it with IntGetFile from other thread, you can use global variable.

int+ g_downloaded=0
IntGetFile ...

in other thread wait until g_downloaded is 1.
int+ g_downloaded
wait 0 V g_downloaded


This is more universal code. Works with files downloaded with QM, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.

Function wait_file
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str s="D:\downloads\quickmac.exe"

Dir d
,if d.dir(s) and d.FileSize
,,__HFile f.Create(s OPEN_EXISTING 0 FILE_SHARE_READ); err
,,if(f) f.Close; break

mes "downloaded"

;info: the d.FileSize is for Firefox, which at first creates empty file, then downloads to other file...

Macro Macro1446
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str s="D:\downloads\quickmac.exe"
IntGetFile "" s 16
yep the "universal" code did it.

Isn't there a more simplier way, like a NotLock function anywhere?
File f

BTW is possible to disable the mouse cursor for a while (hiding it or so)??
Function WaitForFileNotLocked
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function $_file

opt waitmsg -1
Dir d
,if d.dir(_file) and d.FileSize
,,__HFile f.Create(_file OPEN_EXISTING 0 FILE_SHARE_READ); err
,,if(f) f.Close; break

Function wait_file2
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str s="D:\downloads\quickmac.exe"

WaitForFileNotLocked s

mes "downloaded"
I think you can hide cursor only in windows of current thread. Not sure.
Thanks i'll check that cursor thing.

Why doesn't that code work:
i created and opened a file in notepad (so it is supposed to be locked).

File.f ("sometextfile.txt")
,if(!f.write("crap") continue
,break (<----- when i close notepad it should be writable and i must get out the rep loop)

I think it's an indentation issue..

i sometimes miss the simplicity of the While and Until functions.........
Notepad does not lock file. Maybe Word does.

In rep must be Open(), not Write().
Aside the fact that i must open a file before writing to Big Grin i'm totally lost with the
rep structure

File f.Open("z:\Document.txt" "w+")

,if(!f.Write("line1[]line2[]line3")) continue; else break

what's wrong in my syntax?
Most File functions throw error if failed.
But normally there is no reason why Write() could fail.

Macro Macro1448
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File f.Open("$Desktop$\Document.txt" "w+")

,err break
,if(_i>100) break

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