Posts: 48
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Joined: Sep 2005
Any one has macro that can display grid lines on the screen. Adjusting transparency, grid size and lines` thickness would be also nice.
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Joined: Dec 2002
OSD grid
int hwnd=OnScreenGrid(0 0 ScreenWidth ScreenHeight 32 1 ColorFromRGB(255 200 0) 160)
wait 2
;if need to change grid properties at run time, use hwnd
OnScreenGrid(0 0 ScreenWidth ScreenHeight 100 4 ColorFromRGB(0 200 0) 50 hwnd)
wait 2
;if need to remove the grid before the thread ends
OnScreenDrawEnd hwnd
function# x y width height gridSize [lineThickness] [lineColor] [transparency] [hwnd]
;Shows grid on screen.
;Returns grid window handle. It can be used with OnScreenDrawEnd, or with another OnScreenGrid call (to change grid properties).
;The thread must then wait.
;x, y, width, height - where to show grid.
;gridSize - width and height of grid cells.
;lineThickness, lineColor - properties of grid lines.
;transparency - transparency of grid lines. Can be 1 (almost transparent) to 255 (opaque). If 0, does not cange.
;hwnd - handle of grid window, returned by previous OnScreenGrid call. Use if you want to dynamically change grid properties.
type OSDGRID gridSize lineThickness lineColor
if(transparency and hwnd) Transparent hwnd transparency GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE) ;;OnScreenDraw doesn't change it
ret OnScreenDraw(x y width height &OSD_ProcGrid &gridSize transparency 1 sizeof(OSDGRID) hwnd)
function hwnd hdc cx cy OSDGRID&g
int hpen oldpen
hpen=CreatePen(0 g.lineThickness g.lineColor); oldpen=SelectObject(hdc hpen)
ARRAY(int) ai
int i k
;horz lines
for i 0 a.len
PolyPolyline(hdc &a[0] &ai[0] ai.len)
;vert lines
for i 0 a.len
PolyPolyline(hdc &a[0] &ai[0] ai.len)
DeleteObject SelectObject(hdc oldpen)
Also you will need on-screen draw functions.
If don't have, download Archive.qml from
Collected QM apps, functions, samples
and import 'On-screen draw' folder. It is in folder 'Samples - other'.
Posts: 48
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Joined: Sep 2005
Thanks, all works great. Can you also tell me how to draw a circle with the centre being exactly where the mouse pointer is? And how to draw a line that starts/ends from to points i click on the screen?
Posts: 48
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Joined: Sep 2005
i can see there is example of drawing a line in archives, but how to make the line stay on the screen for x seconds?
Posts: 12,097
Threads: 142
Joined: Dec 2002
OSD mouse circle
;As you move the mouse, draws circle around mouse pointer. Click to stop.
int rad=32 ;;change this
POINT p pp
,ifk((1)) break
,xm p
,if(!memcmp(&pp &p sizeof(POINT))) continue
,int h=OnScreenDraw(p.x-rad p.y-rad rad*2 rad*2 &OSD_ProcExample3 0 80 1 0 h)
function hwnd hdc cx cy param
int hpen oldpen
hpen=CreatePen(0 2 0xff0000); oldpen=SelectObject(hdc hpen)
Ellipse hdc 0 0 cx cy
DeleteObject SelectObject(hdc oldpen)
OSD line static
OnScreenDisplay "Click 2 times. The macro will draw line between clicks." 3
;wait for 2 clicks and get their coordinates
POINT p1 p2
wait 0 ML
xm p1
wait 0 ML
xm p2
;draw line
int color=ColorFromRGB(255 0 0)
OnScreenLine(p1.x p1.y p2.x p2.y color 2)
wait 5