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Switching between Visual Studio instances

I regularly have a large number of Visual Studio 2003 solutions open at the same time. I'd like to create a macro to switch to a particular solution, eg based on the name of the solution loaded. The problem I have is that the window title for Visual Studio follows the currently selected sub-project within the solution and as a result I can't get QM to activate on a specific solution's window. Any ideas?

How about this for a workaround: Is there any way of detecting the process id when a specified application (with particular startup parameters, or from a specified windows shortcut .lnk file) is launched and then activating the process main window based on process id within a macro?

I'm using QM Pro v2.2.1.5.

Many thanks

Visual Studio can be automated using COM.
Import the attached file.
Call function VS_ActivateSolution from your macro.
Also there are functions to open a file/line, and to display a string in VS output.

Attached Files
.qml   Visual Studio automation.qml (Size: 2.85 KB / Downloads: 419)
Great, thanks Gintaras! I'll give it a go.
I'm guessing I need to get the latest version of QM as when the VS_ActivateSolution fn is executed the identifiers 'empty' and 'EnvDTE.Solution' are giving the errors 'unknown identifier'.

Do I need to upgrade?

PS I bounced QM after doing the qml import.
Function 'empty' added i some newer QM version. You can replace 'empty' to '!len'.
Thanks, that fixes the empty error. But I still have the error on EnvDTE.
Maybe it is optional component of Visual Studio and currently not installed.
Here is how to get command line and other properties of all processes.
Macro Macro1557
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def wbemFlagReturnImmediately 16
def wbemFlagForwardOnly 32
int IFlags = wbemFlagReturnImmediately|wbemFlagForwardOnly
IDispatch objWMIService._getfile("winmgmts:")
IDispatch colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT Name,ProcessId,ExecutablePath,CommandLine FROM Win32_Process",@,IFlags)

IDispatch objProcess
foreach objProcess colProcesses
,int pid=objProcess.ProcessId
,str name=objProcess.Name
,if(!pid or name~"System") continue
,str path=objProcess.ExecutablePath; err path=""
,str cl=PathGetArgs(objProcess.CommandLine); err cl=""
,out "------------[]name: %s[]path: %s[]pid:  %i[]cl:   %s" name path pid cl

This code gets only commandlines of devenv.exe processes.
Macro Macro1558
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def wbemFlagReturnImmediately 16
def wbemFlagForwardOnly 32
int IFlags = wbemFlagReturnImmediately|wbemFlagForwardOnly
IDispatch objWMIService._getfile("winmgmts:")
IDispatch colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT ProcessId,CommandLine FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='devenv.exe'",@,IFlags)

IDispatch objProcess
foreach objProcess colProcesses
,int pid=objProcess.ProcessId
,str cl=PathGetArgs(objProcess.CommandLine)
,out cl
Function VS_ActivateSolution2
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function $solutionPath

;Activates main window of specified Visual Studio solution.

;solutionPath - solution path, like "Q:\app\app.sln".
;;;It must be command line of the solution process.

def wbemFlagReturnImmediately 16
def wbemFlagForwardOnly 32
int IFlags = wbemFlagReturnImmediately|wbemFlagForwardOnly
IDispatch objWMIService._getfile("winmgmts:")
IDispatch colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT ProcessId,CommandLine FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='devenv.exe'",@,IFlags)

IDispatch objProcess
foreach objProcess colProcesses
,str cl=PathGetArgs(objProcess.CommandLine)
,if cl~solutionPath
,,int pid=objProcess.ProcessId
,,act win("Microsoft Visual" "wndclass_desked_gsk" pid)
Many thanks - I've come to the conclusion I need to upgrade my QM as I don't have PathGetArgs available.

I've asked my desktop support guys to download the latest exe.

I'll return once I've upgraded.


Or insert this before.

dll shlwapi [PathGetArgsA]$PathGetArgs $pszPath
Dear Gintaras,

I used Macro1558 to get the command line of a certain process, namely msimn.exe (OE) by clicking on an appropriate file (.eml) on windows explorer, successfully. Therefore I got through this command line the file path which it initiated this process. In the case that I need to open another .eml file simultaneously, is there any way to obtain its file path (not file name) as well? Many thanks.

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