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Process information
is there a way to get "mem usage" from a process?

for Win2000/XP an later

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type PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS cb PageFaultCount PeakWorkingSetSize WorkingSetSize QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage QuotaPagedPoolUsage QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage PagefileUsage PeakPagefileUsage
dll psapi #GetProcessMemoryInfo hProcess PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS*ppsmemCounters cb

int idpr hpr
idpr=GetProcessId("notepad") ;;if GetProcessId does not exist, use GetWindowThreadProcessId(win("Notepad") &idpr)
hpr=OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION|PROCESS_VM_READ 0 idpr); if(!hpr) ret

if(GetProcessMemoryInfo(hpr &pm sizeof(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS)))
,out "All memory = %i K, currently in RAM = %i K" pm.PagefileUsage/1024 pm.WorkingSetSize/1024


i made a quick function out of it for quick use.

make this code a function and call it "process_info"

Function process_info
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function# pid

;Returns process working set size in KB.
;Returns 0 if failed.

;pid - process ID.

;int pid=ProcessNameToId("firefox")
;out process_info(pid)

__Handle hpr=OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION|PROCESS_VM_READ 0 pid); if(!hpr) ret

if(GetProcessMemoryInfo(hpr &pm sizeof(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS)))
,ret pm.WorkingSetSize/1024

Very nice work Gintaras!
I am running this on a Win7 machine now and I don't think that it works with it.
I get vastly different numbers compared to what is showing in the Win Task Manager.

Can you confirm?
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
This gets working set size. It is the same as in Task Manager, 'Working Set (Memory)' column. Tested on Windows 7 32-bit.

I replaced code of your function because it did not close process handle.

Macro Macro1569
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ARRAY(int) ap
ARRAY(str) an
EnumProcessesEx &ap &an 2
int i
for i 0 ap.len
,out "%-20s %i KB" an[i] process_info(ap[i])
DOH! yep, my task manager is showing Private Working Set.
and thanks for the fix.
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
Dear Gintaras,

Let me first wish a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2014.

Could you please advise me whether there exists a way similar to GetProcessMemoryInfo to get the number of GDI Objects of a running task.

Many thanks, Best regards, Simos
Macro Macro2190
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int pid
GetWindowThreadProcessId(win("" "Notepad") &pid)
;pid=ProcessNameToId("notepad") ;;slower, use with windowless processes
if(!pid) end "failed to get process id"

__Handle hp=OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_X_INFORMATION 0 pid)
if(!hp) end _s.dllerror

out GetGuiResources(hp GR_GDIOBJECTS)
for current process
Macro Macro2191
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out GetGuiResources(GetCurrentProcess GR_GDIOBJECTS)
Thanks again, Perfect ! Kind regards.

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