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Problem with TS Menu and Word2000
This is a TS Menu entry :
TS Menu MyTS Menu
Trigger $t "`"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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1 :'"Best Personal Regards[][]Simos" ;;Best Personal Regards

If called from within a Word-2000 file, then the following obviously mistaken text is entered :

St rsona gards


No problem in other editors, ie Notepad.

Please advise,
Maybe interferes with Word autocorrection features. I Word itself changes text as QM is sending. Try to turn off Word autocorrect/autotext or remove some words.
I cannot test with Word 2000. With Word 2003 and 97 worked well, except when interferes with Word autocorrection.
Dear Gintaras,

Many thanks, as always. I had already tested Autocorrection off, I imagined about it, it did not work. I will try to further investigate it.

Regards, Simos
1. How if this code runs from a macro?
2. Is the same with low-level and non low-level keyboard hook? You can change it in QM Options->Triggers.
does this happen when doing it in Notepad or anywhere else or is it just Word?
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
1. If run from a macro using "key" yes, it is the same.

2. If run from a macro using "outp" no problem, perfect.

3. Yes, it is the same with low-level and non low-level keyboard hook.

4. No just word. No problem with Notepad, Outlook Express, Excel, Wordpad.

Best regards
Try this
Macro Macro1688
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opt keychar 1
'"Best Personal Regards[][]Simos"
I am sorry, it did not work.
How if slower?

opt slowkeys 1
spe 200
key "...."

Also can try
opt keysync 1


If have Spy++, look what keyboard messages Word document control receives then. All or not.
Yes, they both worked perfectly !

What comes next is "How can I insert opt keysync 1 in TS Menu ?
Better paste through clipboard.
... :"text"
And look in Options/General, hybrid paste must be unchecked. Also use low level keyboard hook.
I'll try to fix it.


Please also test how works with
opt keysync 2
and with
opt keysync 3


You said with opt keychar 1 doesn't work. Does it work the same as without, or does not add any text in Word?
Dear Gintaras,

opt keysync 2 it does not work
opt keysync 3 it does not work

"It does not work" means it works the same as without, ie. some of the output characters are lost.
Dear Gintaras,

I am sorry, but I have again the same problem with greek (unicode) characters. No problem when using opt keysync 1 in each TS Menu line, namely :

Autotext MyTS Menu
Trigger $t "`"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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σσ :opt keysync 1;'"Σίμος Σιμόπουλος"

Best regards, Simos
I cannot fix it. Will need a workaround. Currently there are 2 ways:
1. Add opt keysync 1 in each line.
2. Use hybrid paste. Then sends keys as if with opt keysync 1.

Autotext Autotext6
Trigger $t     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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σσ :'"Σίμος Σιμόπουλος" ;;sends keys
σσ :"Σίμος Σιμόπουλος" ;;sends keys as if with opt keysync 1. However uses clipboard if text is long or contains newlines. Also look in Options, must be checked Hybrid paste.

Next QM will have an option to set some initial opt values (keysync etc). Then will not need to edit autotexts. It is already implemented, I can upload new QM if you want it now.
Dear Gintaras,

Many thanks for having dealt with this minor problem. I can manage it as it behaves at present. However, I believe that this new QM version which it will have an option to set some initial opt values will be superb. I am looking forward to trying it, when uploaded.

Best regards.
{deleted post}

Function init2
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;x.opt_macro_function.keysync=1 ;;don't. Will be less reliable.
RtOptions 64 x
Many thanks. Congratulations for this new QM release. Last, but not least, very beautiful new QM systray icon!
Gintaras, all the best!

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