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Filter 3 worksheets to look for a specific date

I need to create a code that will look at 3 worksheets, named "north, south, east" and within those sheets filter for a specific time frame in a column with a header named "scheduled start date" (like july 14 2011 - july 14 2012)

This macro displays row numbers of dates that are between two specified dates. It looks in column D of sheet "north".
Macro Macro1786
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str sheet="north"
DATE d1 d2


ExcelSheet es.Init(sheet)
ARRAY(str) a
es.CellsToArray(a "D:D")
int i
for i 0 a.len
,DATE _d=a[0 i]
,if _d>=d1 and _d<d2
,,out i
I need it to look for dates inbetween the two specified dates, if it finds one it will look for an additional variable. the macros you gave me makes no sense to me, you are genius. i am not lol
can look for an additional variable too...

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