Maybe you already have this function. It somewhere in forum. It uses these linkedpanel to get web page of tab button.
function# [hwndFF] [ARRAY(str)&names] [ARRAY(str)&urls] [ARRAY(Acc)&docObjects] [ARRAY(Acc)&buttonObjects]
;Gets names of Firefox tabs. Optionally gets their URL and accessible objects.
;Returns 0-based index of the selected tab.
;Error if fails.
;hwndFF - Firefox window handle. If 0, finds.
;names - variable for tab names. Can be 0 if don't need.
;urls - variable for addresses. Can be 0 if don't need.
;docObjects - variable for DOCUMENT accessible objects that represent web pages. Can be 0 if don't need.
;buttonObjects - variable for PAGETAB accessible objects that represent tab buttons. Can be 0 if don't need.
;Requires QM 2.3.3 or later.
;Elements of urls and docObjects of non-loaded tabs will be empty. Firefox does not load pages in invisible tabs at startup.
;ARRAY(str) names urls
;int selectedTab=FirefoxGetTabs(0 names urls)
;out selectedTab
;int i
;for i 0 names.len
,;out "--------[]%s[]%s" names[i] urls[i]
ARRAY(str) _names; if(!&names) &names=_names
if(&urls) urls=0
if(&docObjects) docObjects=0
if(&buttonObjects) buttonObjects=0
if(!hwndFF) hwndFF=win("Mozilla Firefox" "Mozilla*WindowClass" "" 0x804); if(!hwndFF) end ERR_WINDOW
int i r=-1
FFNode fn
ARRAY(str) ap
;enum tabs
Acc a.Find(hwndFF "PAGETAB" "" "class=MozillaWindowClass" 0x1004)
,if(a.Role!ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETAB) goto next ;;[ + ] button
,if(&buttonObjects) buttonObjects[]=a
,;get selected tab
,if(r<0 and a.State&STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTED) r=i
,if &urls
,,;get id of associated pane and store in ap. Because the order of tabs and panes may be different.
,a.Navigate("n"); err break
if(r<0) end ERR_FAILED
if(!&urls and !&docObjects) ret r
;enum panes
if(&urls) urls.create(names.len)
if(&docObjects) docObjects.create(names.len)
#if QMVER<0x2030400
a.Find(hwndFF "DOCUMENT" "" "" 0x3000 0 0 "pa3fi")
err a.Find(hwndFF "" "" "" 0x3010 1 0 "pa4fi")
a.Find(hwndFF "" "" "" 0x3000 2 0 "pa3fi")
,;get id of this pane, and find in ap
,fn.FromAcc(a); _s=fn.Attribute("id")
,for(i 0 ap.len) if(ap[i]=_s) break
,if(i=names.len) goto next2 ;;should never happen
,;get DOCUMENT object and url
,Acc aa; a.Navigate("fi2" aa); err goto next2
,if(&urls) urls[i]=aa.Value
,if(&docObjects) docObjects[i]=aa
,a.Navigate("n"); err break
ret r
err+ end _error
Also this maybe will be useful.
function hwndFF $name [flags] ;;flags: 1 name is URL, 2 wildcard, 4 beginning, 8 end, 16 anywhere, 32 rx
;Finds and selects Firefox tab.
;Error if not found.
;hwndFF - Firefox window handle. If 0, finds.
;name - tab name. If flag 1 - URL.
;;;1 - name is URL.
;;;2-32 - how to compare name. Default: exact match. Always case insensitive.
ARRAY(str) names urls; ARRAY(Acc) a
int selectedTab=FirefoxGetTabs(hwndFF names iif(flags&1 &urls 0) 0 a)
int i
ARRAY(str)& as=iif(flags&1 urls names)
for i 0 names.len
,if SelStr(flags|1 as[i] name)
,,if i!=selectedTab
,,ret 1
end "tab not found"
err+ end _error
Quote:how to checked if a tab has finished loading?
With current tab - function FirefoxWait, look in this forum.
Probably not possible with background tabs. FF fires an accessible event, but it is not reliable.