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Wheel Scroll
i want to change volume with mouse wheel only when cursor is over the volume icon in systray.
my current trigger function only works when taskbar has been activated/clicked, but how to let it work on hover?

Function FF_wheel_up
Trigger #U //FF_wheel_up     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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/ Allows starting macro only in certain window. Edit wintest arguments.

function# iid FILTER&f
if(!f.hwnd2) ret
sel _s.getwinexe(f.hwnd) 3

,case "explorer"
,,sel GetWinId(f.hwnd2)
,,,case 1504 ;;systray
,,,,out "systray"
,case "pmcloader"
,,mac "sender-"

,case "wmplayer"
,,mac "wm_down" "" 0
,case else ret -2
Don't remember, maybe f.hwnd2 is the focused control. Instead use child(mouse).
Gintaras Wrote:Don't remember, maybe f.hwnd2 is the focused control. Instead use child(mouse).

sorry, but where exactly?

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