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Can't retrieve text from <th> HTML tag
This code:
Macro TimeCard
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HtmlDoc doc
s=doc.GetText("th" "grdTCardDtl_c_0_1")
out s

Gives me this error:
Error (RT) in TimeCard: object not found (container). ?

Even though the HTML code contains:
<th id='grdTCardDtl_c_0_1' columnNo='1' height='30px' class="ig_6a760250_r4 ig_6a760250_2"><nobr>Dist. Code</nobr></th>

Is there a way to get the text from a <th> tag using the id?
Cannot test your HTML.
This works.
Macro Macro1913
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str w=
;<th id='grdTCardDtl_c_0_1' columnNo='1' height='30px' class="ig_6a760250_r4 ig_6a760250_2"><nobr>Dist. Code</nobr></th>

str s
HtmlDoc doc
s=doc.GetText("th" "grdTCardDtl_c_0_1")
out s
Looks like the id is duplicated in two different tables.
Of course, I can't change the HTML source.
Is there a way to specify which <th> tag to get the text from?

Here is an abbreviated example that re-creates the failure:
Macro Macro
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str w=
;<th id='grdTCardDtl_c_0_1' columnNo='1' height='30px' class="ig_6a760250_r4 ig_6a760250_2"><nobr>Dist. Code</nobr></th>
;<th id='grdTCardDtl_c_0_1' columnNo='1' height='30px' class="ig_6a760250_r4 ig_6a760250_2">&nbsp;</th>

str s
HtmlDoc doc
s=doc.GetText("th" "grdTCardDtl_c_0_1")
out s
Macro Macro1913
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str w=
;<th id='grdTCardDtl_c_0_1' columnNo='1' height='30px' class="ig_6a760250_r4 ig_6a760250_2"><nobr>Dist. Code</nobr></th>
;<th id='grdTCardDtl_c_0_1' columnNo='1' height='30px' class="ig_6a760250_r4 ig_6a760250_2">&nbsp;</th>

str s
HtmlDoc doc
ARRAY(MSHTML.IHTMLElement) a; int i
doc.GetHtmlElements(a "th")
for i 0 a.len
,sel a[i].id
,,case "grdTCardDtl_c_0_1"
,,out s
That works. Thank you!

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