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A Question Before I Buy Quick Macro

i have a question to find out if your software could potentially soft an issue we have.
We are switching over to scanners for an online store, the scanners will be used to scan an invoice and print the appropriate shipping label.
We have back end software which can handle this the only problem is when you scan an invoice you then get a pop up screen which give you various options (always appears in same place),
could a macro be written to be always active and when this particular window pops up it then presses 2 buttons on the window and closes and then repeats every time it pops up?

we are trying to avoid the warehouse staff from needing to press any buttons on the computer since they cant count so we dont have much faith in them being able to use the method we have currently.
Yes, you can create such macros, it's simple. Assign a window trigger to make it run when the window appears.

BTW, this software is Quick Macros, not Quick Macro.
are you able to help me get started on the basis i can complete this macro we will buy the full version.

trigger should be "Process Order" ""
if you can help me start the macro i should be able to complete it
TriggerWindow "Process Order" ""
Trigger !a"Process Order" ""
int w1=act(win("Process Order" ""))
lef 573 45 w1
lef 78 508 w1

this is how far i got but it wont activate when the window opens
Create new macro.
Open Properties dialog and assign window trigger.
To test how trigger works, at first let the macro have just single line: mes 1
If trigger works, the macro runs when you open the window, and it shows a message box.
Then delete macro text (mes 1) and record actual macro.

Macro Macro1942
Trigger !ca"Process Order" ""     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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int w1=act(win("Process Order" ""))
lef 573 45 w1
lef 78 508 w1
so i set up as you said but when i make the window open the message isnt displayed which option should it be on the window (created & active)?
Yes, but if does not work also try 'Active' or 'Visible'.
To select window you can drag and drop the Drag picture.
You can post the macro here. Menu Edit -> Other Formats -> Copy for QM Forum.
nvm i cracked it
ok the macro works which is fine but unfortunately the software is internet based so if there is a sudden slight delay the timings ive set its clicking the button before its finished loading. does the software have the facility to click once a button becomes active?
Quote:button becomes active

How it becomes active? Is it disabled when inactive? Or invisible?
the initial button press is fine but after that it greys out all buttons until its fully loaded then the button returns to normal and is again pressable
Try the Wait dialog, wait for window enabled. Drag/capture the button as a control.

Macro Macro1945
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int w2=wait(0 WE child("Button Name" "" w1))
lef 0.5 0.5 w2

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