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Type mismatch in return from COM object
Hi -

I think I'm missing something but I've already had my cup of coffee & that didn't help Big Grin

I've created a COM object in C# (it invokes a web service with NTLM authentication) and the values appear to be successfully being returned to QM. But I think I'm running into a type conversion problem.

The type is defined in C#. The type information is visible in QM when I'm writing code. And - if I use a simple "out" statement it prints the correct value. But if I use a more complex out statement it does not.

Here's what the call looks like:
WebServiceWrapper.iStudyData studyData1 = pacsWebServices.getStudyData(testAccessionOK)
and one of the values in studyData1 is the string "PatientName".

The following statement will print the correct value:
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out studyData1.PatientName
and the following will also work:
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str name = studyData1.PatientName
out "studyData1.PatientName %s" name

But both of these will fail:
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out F"studyData1.PatientName {studyData1.PatientName}"
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out "studyData1.PatientName %s" studyData1.PatientName
with the error message
Error (RT) in TestPacsInterface: 0x80020005, Type mismatch.

In C# I've defined the API to this class like this:
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[Guid("xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)]
    public class iStudyData
        public string StudyRef;
        public string PatientName;

Any ideas what's wrong? I'm worried that this is a symptom that there's a problem with how I've defined the type. Thanks.
C# string type is BSTR type in QM. Only few QM functions support BSTR directly. In other cases assign to a str variable.

str s=b ;;OK
out b ;;OK
out "%s" b ;;error
out F"{b}" ;;error

Similarly, C# object type is VARIANT type in QM. Assign to str, int etc.

If in QM the COM interface variable type is IDispatch, all COM functions will return VARIANT.
Thanks. Works perfectly.
I have a followup question about memory management.

I have created parallel data structures in QM and C# (Types in QM, Classes in C#). I assign the returned values from the C# COM object into their QM Types so that the BSTR are converted to str values. This all works fine but I don't understand the memory lifecycle. Do I need to free the pacsWebServices object allocated with _create

Member function EMIPacsWebService.GetPacsUser
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PACSWebServiceWrapper.PACSWebInterface pacsWebServices

or the pacsLogin C# object returned from the DLL?

Member function EMIPacsWebService.GetPacsUser
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PACSWebServiceWrapper.iPacsLogin pacsLogin = pacsWebServices.getPacsLogin(hostname);; Call to COM object

Here's the entire function for context:

Member function EMIPacsWebService.GetPacsUser
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function str'hostname TUserHistory'&sUserHistory ;; Returns the PACS user for this station

#compile "RadFusionTypes"

typelib PACSWebServiceWrapper {xxx-xx-xxxxx} 1.0

PACSWebServiceWrapper.PACSWebInterface pacsWebServices
str baseURL = this.baseURL
;out F"endpoint {baseURL}"
pacsWebServices.setEndPointAddress( baseURL)

PACSWebServiceWrapper.iPacsLogin pacsLogin = pacsWebServices.getPacsLogin(hostname);; Call to COM object
if (pacsLogin)
,if (pacsLogin.NetworkStatus)
,,sUserHistory.NetworkStatus.StatusCode = pacsLogin.NetworkStatus.statusCode
,,sUserHistory.NetworkStatus.StatusReason = pacsLogin.NetworkStatus.statusReason
,,if (sUserHistory.NetworkStatus.statusCode = 200)
,,,sUserHistory.AeRef = pacsLogin.AeRef
,,,sUserHistory.FailedLoginDateTime = pacsLogin.FailedLoginDateTime
,,,sUserHistory.Host = pacsLogin.Host
,,,sUserHistory.LoginDateTime = pacsLogin.LoginDateTime
,,,sUserHistory.LogoutDateTime = pacsLogin.LogoutDateTime
,,,sUserHistory.UserId = pacsLogin.UserId
,,,str reason = pacsLogin.NetworkStatus.statusReason
,,,int code = pacsLogin.NetworkStatus.statusCode
,,,out F"Failed to retrieve getPacsLogin for hostname {hostname} because status code {code} reason {reason}"
,,out F"Failed to retrieve getPacsLogin for hostname {hostname} null network status returned"
,,sUserHistory.NetworkStatus.StatusCode = 500
,,sUserHistory.NetworkStatus.StatusReason = "Null network status returned"
,out F"Failed to retrieve getPacsLogin for hostname {hostname} null object returned"    
,sUserHistory.NetworkStatus.StatusCode = 500
,sUserHistory.NetworkStatus.StatusReason = "Null object returned from DLL"

Don't need to free COM objects explicitly. QM calls Release() when the variable dies. Normally then the COM object deletes self. The C# object will be freed by the garbage collector later.
QM also frees memory of str, BSTR, VARIANT etc when the variable dies.

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