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Passing C++ strings by reference

Please, I don't know how to pass a string variable from C++ to QM. Any help?

When QM macro calls dll function?
Yes, when QM calls a dll function. I've tried char* and char*& with no results.

With other type of data, no problem.
What strings the dll uses - ANSI or Unicode? If char*, it is ANSI. It's better to use Unicode strings, because ANSI string encoding does not match QM string encoding in Unicode mode (UTF-8), and then dll should know QM encoding and give correct string.
Oh thanks!.

Do you mind to post a little example of how to pass a variable string from a dll function?

Thanks in advance.
Can do like most Windows API functions, eg GetWindowText.
If using Unicode strings, easier is to allocate and return BSTR, eg with SysAllocString.
With ANSI strings not so easy.
i'll take a look at it later. Thanks.
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#include <oleauto.h>
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
return SysAllocString(L"string");

Macro Macro1993
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dll "mydll" BSTR'ReturnBSTR

str s
out s
It worked very well. Thanks for your reply.

Is it possible to pass arrays of strings and arrays of int/double data?
How the array is initially stored in the C++ function?
Something like this:

Macro Macro205
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ARRAY(double) arr.create(10)


dll "$desktop$\myDLL.dll" double'myfunc

out myfunc(&arr)

Safe arrays of n elements, 1 or 2 dimensions...
Done for int/double:

Macro Macro205
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dll "myDLL" double'myfunc

ARRAY(double) arr.create(5)


double result=myfunc(&arr[0], arr.len)

out result

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extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) double myfunc(double *pointerElement0, int arrlen);

double myfunc(double *pointerElement0, int arrlen)
,double result=0;
,for (int i = 0; i < arrlen; i++)
,,result+=pointerElement0[i]; // ;; example

return result;

Any ideas on how to receive an array of int or str?
Macro Macro2009
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dll "..." !myfunc ARRAY(BSTR)a

ARRAY(BSTR) b.create(5)
out myfunc(b)
ARRAY(str) a.create(b.len); for(_i 0 a.len) a[_i]=b[_i] ;;tip: create function for this
out a

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
bool myfunc(SAFEARRAY* a) //ARRAY(BSTR)
if(!a || !(a->fFeatures&FADF_BSTR) || a->cDims!=1 || a->rgsabound[0].lLbound || a->cLocks) return 0;
BSTR* p=(BSTR*)a->pvData, *pe=p+a->rgsabound[0].cElements;
for(; p<pe; p++) *p=SysAllocString(L"test");
return true;

It is possible to make calling the function simpler. For example, set a callback function that allocates array and converts BSTR to str. Then caller will not have to do it.
Hi again.

Thanks for your help on this topic. I love QM for fast development and I use some dll in C in the main QM program when performance is crucial.
If you don't mind, I would need some further help in this area. I know that is out of the scope of this forum but maybe it will also useful for some QM fellows.

My question is for resizing the safearray after populated. I have checked the MS docs about safearray resize, but there are no examples and with so many pointers I am a little lost.

I have used tricks like tokens and checked in QM, but it is not very elegant. In QM we use 'redim' but how to resize the safearray from C++ before to return to QM? Any examples, please?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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#include <oleauto.h>

//Creates or resizes 1-dim ARRAY.
//vt - array type VT_ constant. VT_I4 for int, VT_BSTR for BSTR, etc. Used only when creating.
//Sets added elements to 0/empty. Frees removed elements if need (BSTR, VARIANT etc).
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
HRESULT ResizeSafeArray(ARRAY& a, int n, int vt)
,//int nOld=0;
,if(a) //resize
,,if(hr=SafeArrayRedim(a, &b)) return hr;
,else //create
,,a=SafeArrayCreate(vt, 1, &b);
,,if(!a) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

,return 0;

Macro Macro2114
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dll "test.dll" #ResizeSafeArray ARRAY*a n vt

ARRAY(int) a
if(ResizeSafeArray(&a 3 VT_INT)) end "error"
for(_i 0 a.len) a[_i]=_i
if(ResizeSafeArray(&a 4 VT_INT)) end "error"
for(_i 0 a.len) out a[_i]

if(ResizeSafeArray(&b 3 VT_BSTR)) end "error"
for(_i 0 b.len) b[_i]=F"string {_i}"
if(ResizeSafeArray(&b 4 VT_BSTR)) end "error"
for(_i 0 b.len) out b[_i]
Thank you! I spent hours trying to deal with this!
This piece of code is really useful and expands the QM capabilities to new frontiers.

Thanks again and have a nice day!
Good morning!

Any help on how to use SAFEARRAY with 2 dimensions in C++, please?


Gintaras Wrote:Macro Macro2009
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dll "..." !myfunc ARRAY(BSTR)a

ARRAY(BSTR) b.create(5)
out myfunc(b)
ARRAY(str) a.create(b.len); for(_i 0 a.len) a[_i]=b[_i] ;;tip: create function for this
out a

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
bool myfunc(SAFEARRAY* a) //ARRAY(BSTR)
if(!a || !(a->fFeatures&FADF_BSTR) || a->cDims!=1 || a->rgsabound[0].lLbound || a->cLocks) return 0;
BSTR* p=(BSTR*)a->pvData, *pe=p+a->rgsabound[0].cElements;
for(; p<pe; p++) *p=SysAllocString(L"test");
return true;

It is possible to make calling the function simpler. For example, set a callback function that allocates array and converts BSTR to str. Then caller will not have to do it.
a->cDims will be 2.
And there will be a->rgsabound[0] and a->rgsabound[1]. They define each dimension. Maybe swapped, ie 0 is the second dimension, 1 is the first, don't remember.
Then pe=p+a->rgsabound[0].cElements*rgsabound[1].cElements.
All elements are in the single memory block p that is only logically divided into dimensions.
Wow! Confusedhock:

It works fine! Thanks for your help.
Best regards.

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