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Hello there !

I have this popup menu and I'm trying ot give it more features but there is one in particular that I'm having trouble with.
So I this is my menu:

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str menuItems=
1    (...)

MenuPopup m

sel m.Show()
    case 1 :

What I did was to create an authentication case which is working fine but the result that I want is to add items to the menu, example:
If you get through authentication more items would appear:

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str menuItems=
1    (...)
2    (...)
MenuPopup m

sel m.Show()
    case 1 :
        case 2:

My authentication is a result of a case of the menu and was done with a "ipp".
I tried to create a second menu and if you authenticate correctly, the previous menu would shut down and start the new one with more options but didn't work out =\

Can someone help please?

Thank you very much!
Macro Macro1209
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int need_more_items=1

str menuItems=
;1    (...)
;2    (...)

MenuPopup m

if need_more_items
,;3    (...)
,;4    (...)

int i=m.Show
out i

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