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Building a tagged menu
I have a simple menu built this way:

>Menu 1
Voice 1 ; Tag 1
Voice 2 ; Tag 1
Voice 3

when I run this menu and the mouse cursor hovers the line labeled "Menu 1", I see that automatically the three subvoices of the menu appear.
I want to add a second menu that should point to the voices of "Menu 1" containing the text "Tag 1", automatically selecting these voices and showing only these voices when I hover with the mouse cursor on "Menu 2".
How can I tell to Quick macros to do this? The new menu should be organized in a way similar to this:

>Menu 1
Voice 1 ; Tag 1
Voice 2 ; Tag 1
Voice 3
>Menu 2
Please, list here automatically for me all and only the "Menu 1" voices containing the word "Tag 1"
Macro Macro1209
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str s=
;>Menu 1
;1 Voice 1 ; Tag 1
;2 Voice 2
;3 Voice 3 ; Tag 1

str tag=" ; Tag 1"
ARRAY(str) a; int j
if findrx(s F"^(.+){tag}$" 0 4|8 a) ;;get all tagged lines
,s.findreplace(tag) ;;remove tags
,s.addline(">Menu 2")
,for(j 0 a.len) s.addline(a[1 j])

int i=ShowMenu(s)
out i
I can't figure out how to set the flag for ShowMenu: I need the popup to always be at the top left of the screen or window. I can't set the "p" as type POINT and make it work: Can anyone help?

MenuPopup x.AddItems(s)
int i=ShowMenu(s p 1)
Macro Macro2022
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int i=ShowMenu("1 A[]2 B" 0 p 1)
Thank you

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