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qm and bblean (blackbox shell)
i asked the programmer of bblean on how to send messages from an external application to bblean.

in bblean commands are called Bro@ms,
example to call the main menu -> @BBCore.showmainmenu

he send me an example how plugins call commands :

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#define BB_BROADCAST  10901

char broam_string[] = "@BBYourBroam";
SendBB(BB_BROADCAST, 0, broam_string, sizeof(broam_string));

void SendBB(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT datasize)

HWND BBhwnd = FindWindow("BlackBoxClass", "BlackBox");
if (NULL == BBhwnd)

WPARAM buf[256];
WPARAM *wp = buf;

int s = datasize + sizeof(WPARAM);

if (s > sizeof buf)
  wp = (WPARAM*)m_alloc(s);

*wp = wParam;
memcpy(wp + 1, (void*)lParam, datasize);

cds.dwData = msg;
cds.cbData = s;
cds.lpData = (void*)wp;
SendMessage (BBhwnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)cwnd, (LPARAM)&cds);

if (buf != wp)

can we use that in qm ?
like ->
bblean @BBCore.showmainmenu


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