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[solved] run code copied from elsewhere - possible?

I have quickmacros code stored in a spreadsheet.

I'd like to have a qm function execute the code that I stored in my cells.

Is this possible? If so, how?

For example,

a1 contains the content

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int w=win("" "Mozilla*WindowClass" "" 0x4)
act w

Acc a.FindFF(w "DIV" "" "contenteditable=true" 0x1004)

Thank you.
Possible, but not in exe.
Use function RunTextAsFunction or other similar functions from the qm category.
Use this only if necessary. If possible, instead use variables for strings and numbers; Use if or sel/case to select different code on different conditions.
Quote:instead use variables for strings and numbers; Use if or sel/case to select different code on different conditions

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Could you illustrate with an example?
if condition
Acc a.FindFF(w "DIV" "" s 0x1004)
Got it. Thank you!

btw, quickmacros is amazing. I've already made dozens of useful macros with quickmacros. I even added features/fixed the ui of a frequently used design software thanks to this beast! Big Grin

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