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Allow import duplicate (already existing) temporarily
Is it possible in the future to allow the importing of existing items.


I have a folder called "test" that contains 2 macro's

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--- mac 1
--- mac 2

I now export it under the name "test_project_v0.1" , I then continue to work on the folder "test".
Now I want to temporarly import "test_project_v0.1" but now the current "test" folder and all the mac/functions/classes etc... that exist in "test" get deactivated. For example "mac 1" and "mac 2" get deactivated because they exist in the imported "test_project_v0.1".

This would give me the opportunity to quickly test the "test_project_v0.1" version and even modify it's code and then do some testing.
When I am done, I delete the imported "test_project_v0.1" and then the "test" folder becomes active (enabled) and all the items within "test" that where deactivated become enabled.

Maybe the imported folder could get an "i" kind of icon on it (like the "S" from 'import as shared folder'), the "i" indicates this is a temporarily imported folder? (on QM close it will be deleted?)

In short: It would give me an opportunity to quickly go to a previous state and then go back to current state.

It could be that this already is possible in another, but I could not find it.
Currently not possible. The easiest workaround - use multiple versions of whole main file.
Ok! thanks!

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