09-07-2014, 09:13 AM
Below is a working code I have been using for a while now.
However, I want to do away with the fixed waiting period inserted after selecting a combo box item.
The page refreshes automatically upon selection.
So I would need something that continues immediately as the page completes the refresh.
Kindly advise.
Macro RO Sales gDN
Below is a working code I have been using for a while now.
However, I want to do away with the fixed waiting period inserted after selecting a combo box item.
The page refreshes automatically upon selection.
So I would need something that continues immediately as the page completes the refresh.
Kindly advise.
Macro RO Sales gDN
,;Client Type
,Htm e3=htm("SELECT" "ctl00_cphMain_cboClientType" "" w "0" 1 0x121 50)
,int typeNum=SelStr(1 custType2 "C" "P" "V")
,if typeNum=1
,,wait 5
,,goto Mobile
,if typeNum=2
,,wait 7
,if typeNum=3
,,wait 5
Best Regards,