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Help Using VBS
I'm trying to use hot-keys to send VBS commands to another app... is something like this possible:

Quote:lpstr vbs=
Set SomeApp = WScript.CreateObject("Some.Application")
VbsExec vbs

Yes but without WScript.. WScript object can be used only when the script is executed by Windows Script Host, eg when you run a vbs file. Similarly, WScript.Echo mut be replaced to MsgBox, and so on.
I'll try and track down an alternate way to speak to my app - thanks.

When using a hot-key to trigger just a line or so of VBS, as above, would I create a 'function' for each action or a 'macro' for each? Would both functions or macros need to be added to init2 to be availabe from launch?

Thanks again!
Use init2 only to launch something when QM starts or file opened. Neither macros nor functions don't need to be declared.

In this case, you can create a macro or a function. In most cases, to automate something, use macros. But keep in mind that only single macro can run at a time, and therefore sometimes it is better to use function, because multiple functions can run simultaneously.

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