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Convert rtf to plain text
how to convert rtf to plain text?
here's what I do.

Macro Unformat Clipboard
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str a b
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
that does not work.

i have rtf code which needs to be converted.

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1031\f0\fs18 DGA Genius 6 ausgeschrieben.\par
Gesch\'fctzt bei DGA von: \par
Heldner Industrievertretungen\par
K\'f6nigsbr\'fccker Landstr. 25\par
01109 Dresden\par
Tel:    +49 (351) 8902301\par
Fax:   +49 (351) 8902302\par
Funk: +49 (172) 3505656\par
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>\par
Ansprechpartner: Hr. Dietmar Heldner\par
oh, mine was assuming you had the text itself copied into the clipboard before stripping it.
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
this should work

int hwnd=CreateWindowEx(0 "RichEdit20W" 0 0 ...) ;;create rich edit control
str file=... ;;temp file
RichEditLoad(hwnd file) ;;load rtf into the control
text.getwintext(hwnd) ;;get text from the control
DestroyWindow hwnd
that rtf output comes from my csharp application, i tried a 3rd party component. now some of my text has such rtf code..
can that be done without any dialog?
string rtf=s.get.sel
out rtf.plainText
Create hidden rich text control without parent dialog.

Other solution would be to use Word through COM. But it would run hidden Word process temporarily.
i thought that you have a simple stripper class.
similar to removing all html tags from _s
I tried this, but it doesnt work

Macro Macro23
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int hwnd=CreateWindowEx(0 "RichEdit20W" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) ;;create rich edit control
str file_tmp="$desktop$\t.txt" ;;temp file
str file_rtf="$desktop$\b.rtf"
str rtf.getfile(file_rtf)
RichEditLoad(hwnd file_tmp) ;;load rtf into the control
str text.getwintext(hwnd) ;;get text from the control
DestroyWindow hwnd
out text

But I think the hwnd isn't properly declared.
(or did I mis something else?)
Function RtfToText
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function $rtf str&text [flags] ;;flags: 1 rtf is file

;Converts RTF text to simple text.

;rtf - RTF text or file path.
;text - receives simple text.

int hwnd=CreateWindowExW(0 L"RichEdit20W" 0 WS_CHILD|ES_MULTILINE 0 0 0 0 HWND_MESSAGE 0 _hinst 0) ;;note: need WS_CHILD, else getwintext gets empty text

if flags&1
,if(!RichEditLoad(hwnd rtf)) end ERR_FAILED
else if !empty(rtf)
,if(!SendMessageW(hwnd EM_SETTEXTEX &t rtf)) end ERR_FAILED

DestroyWindow hwnd

Macro Macro2471
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str file_rtf="$desktop$\b.rtf"
str rtf.getfile(file_rtf)
;out rtf;ret

str text
RtfToText rtf text
;RtfToText file_rtf text 1
out text

Function RtfToText2
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function $rtf str&text [flags] ;;flags: 1 rtf is file

;Converts RTF text to simple text.

;rtf - RTF text or file path.
;text - receives simple text.

;The same as RtfToText. Uses EM_STREAMIN instead of EM_EM_SETTEXTEX.

int hwnd=CreateWindowExW(0 L"RichEdit20W" 0 WS_CHILD|ES_MULTILINE 0 0 0 0 HWND_MESSAGE 0 _hinst 0) ;;note: need WS_CHILD, else getwintext gets empty text

if flags&1
,if(!RichEditLoad(hwnd rtf)) end ERR_FAILED
else if !empty(rtf)
,INTLPSTR k.s=rtf; k.i=len(rtf)
,EDITSTREAM e.pfnCallback=&sub.EditStreamCallback; e.dwCookie=&k
,SendMessageW(hwnd EM_STREAMIN SF_RTF &e)

DestroyWindow hwnd

#sub EditStreamCallback
function# dwCookie !*pbBuff cb *pcb

INTLPSTR& k=+dwCookie
int n=iif(cb<k.i cb k.i)
if(n) memcpy pbBuff k.s n; k.i-n; k.s+n
Wow! Thank you!!!
I think this post write very good!

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