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Browser hook function
Hi Gintaras, hi all

as i don't know how to program extensions for firefox, i wonder if it is possible for QM to set a hook for the browser to manage actions for it, to remove as many extensions I can and lighten it, it becomes boring to use the more it changes versions, i'd like to rely on minimal extensions if possible.

I plan to switch to chrome, would it be possible to hook it too?
To inject QM macros into browser process and access browser DOM etc like in javascript or Firefox extensions?
No, QM cannot do it, for Chrome too.
nope, just a hook to intercept mouse click and firefox main window behavior.....a general hook...i'll take care in inner code for actions depending on firefox actions/clicks
Mouse hook - search forum for SetWindowsHookEx WH_MOUSE_LL.
Window events hook - search forum for SetWinEventHook.
Thanks for the infos...
int hh=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL &Function5 _hinst 0)
mes "Testing mouse hook. Click somewhere..."
UnhookWindowsHookEx hh

using a mes for keeping the function running is not very convenient..

Have you propositions for making it "stealth"? attach to a window, QM main toolbar, etc etc???
Replace mes to

opt waitmsg 1
wait -1
ok, then where to specify i want to monitor only firefox window then in code???
and is it possible to alter a firefox right menu to add custom item in it by code?
ldarrambide Wrote:ok, then where to specify i want to monitor only firefox window then in code???

Macro Macro2791
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int hh=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL &sub.Hook_WH_MOUSE_LL _hinst 0)
mes "Testing mouse hook. Click somewhere..."
UnhookWindowsHookEx hh

#sub Hook_WH_MOUSE_LL
function# nCode message MSLLHOOKSTRUCT&m
if(nCode<0) goto gNext
sel(message) case [WM_MOUSEMOVE,WM_MOUSEWHEEL] goto gNext

int w=win( ;;note: this is quite slow. Avoid using it with WM_MOUSEMOVE. Faster would be int w=win
if(!WinTest(w "MozillaWindowClass")) goto gNext

OutWinMsg message 0 0 _s; out "%s at %i %i" _s


ret CallNextHookEx(0 nCode message &m)
ldarrambide Wrote:and is it possible to alter a firefox right menu to add custom item in it by code?
impossible with QM, maybe possible with a Firefox extensioon
asked because of the shellmenu trigger of QM in windows...

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