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Acc object get tabindex on right click SysTabControl32
Using Acc a.FromMouse
Is it possible to get the tab index from a QM SysTabControl32-control using Acc objects?

I have an application where duplicate tabnames could occur. I can enforce to not use duplicate tabnames but I was wondering if it was possible getting the tab index number when you have an situation where there are duplicate tabnames.

[test 1] [test 2] [test 3] [test 1]

User clicks the last tab "test 1" in a QM SysTabControl32, and then retrieve '3'.

I have this and could use it to compare "s" with the results of "aSel" but the user could have duplicate tabnames.
So the below code is not sufficient.

Macro Macro5
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int i
Acc a.FromMouse
str s=a.Name
out F"Tab name from mouse position: {s}"
int w1=win("RLaunch" "#32770")
Acc a2.Find(w1 "PAGETABLIST" "" "class=SysTabControl32[]id=6" 0x1004)
ARRAY(Acc) ac1
for i 0 ac1.len
,Acc& r1=ac1[i]
,str name1=r1.Name
,out name1

I couldn't get "Acc.ObjectFocused" to work.
If it's not possible I will just enforce unique tabnames.

Forgot to mention, it is used in a QM dialog where the user RIGHT clicks a tab, I then render a menu on mouse XY.
Problem is that there is no way to get the tab index number when right clicking: ... 47(v=vs.85).aspx
Tried TCM_GETCURFOCUS but does not work.
That's why I went this route.
a.elem is 1-based tab index.
This works!!!
Thank you!!!

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