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Logging Acc Events
Hi Gintaras,

Is there a way to do a search in (the wealth of :-)) recorded Acc Events ?

Would you say from your experience that it is difficult to get a macro triggered on an Acc event ?

Cannot search directly.
This macro creates new temporary macro and copies output text there.
Macro Find in QM output
Copy      Help
str s
sub.SciGetText(id(2201 _hwndqm) s)
if(!s.len) ret

int iid=qmitem("QM output text")
if(iid) s.setmacro(iid); else iid=newitem("QM output text" s "" "" "" 128)
mac+ iid
men 33546 id(2213 _hwndqm) ;;Right Editor
key Cf Ca

#sub SciGetText
function hwnd str&s
int lens=SendMessage(hwnd SCI.SCI_GETTEXTLENGTH 0 0)
s.fix(SendMessage(hwnd SCI.SCI_GETTEXT lens+1 s.all(lens)))

Often there is no event (maybe 50% times in my experience). Or so many events, need time to find. Then, if does not work, I usually check Debug.
Thank you ! This is what I needed and needed to know.


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