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RichEditSave with RICHEDIT50W class control
I failed to use RichEditSave with Wordpad RICHEDIT50W control using the following function :

Function temp07
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int w=win("Document - WordPad" "WordPadClass")
int c=id(59648 w) ;;editable text
outw c
_i=RichEditSave(c "C:\tmp\ried.rtf")
out _i

I understand that QM help advises that "Rich edit control's class usually is RichEdit20A or RichEdit20W". I would welcome any advice on this issue. Many thanks in advance.
QM cannot do it. Need to create a C++ dll and inject into wordpad process.
Thank you, it is very clear to me.

Let me please ask one more relevant question :

Is it possible to use :
#RichEditSave hwndRE $_file ;;Returns 1 if successful.

with a string instead of a file ?

Best regards.
Function GetRTF
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function# hre str&s

SendMessage(hre EM_STREAMOUT SF_RTF &es)
ret !es.dwError

#sub Proc
function str&s !*pbBuff cb *pcb
s.fromn(s s.len pbBuff cb)

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