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Simulate left click on a dialog control
I am wondering about the smartest way to simulate with the software a left click on a dialog control. Any advice is much appreciated.
Something like this?

Macro sendmessage button
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SendMessage id(26 w) BM_CLICK 0 0 ;; presses button with ID 26
Thank you for your advice. I will certainly change what I am using at present :

SendMessage c WM_LBUTTONDOWN 1 0
SendMessage c WM_LBUTTONUP 0 0

Best regards!
BM_CLICK may fail if the window is not active.  Normally i try first qm button functions  first (but+ ect). Works in many windows and window doesn't  need to be active. If those dont work then i usually try  WM_LBUTTONDOWN and up combo . There  are many possibilities .

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