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Function Function1
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str s1
str fBmp="$temp$\qm_modi.bmp"

if(scan("resource:<Image>image:h1B7A5E0B" w 0 16))
,CaptureImageOnScreen(655 340 85 35(fBmp))
,typelib MODI {A5EDEDF4-2BBC-45F3-822B-E60C278A1A79} 13.0
,MODI.Document doc._create
,MODI.Image im=doc.Images.Item(0)

This was my original OCR code. However, I have a 2 minor issues with this code.

1. I want to capture a image based on where the previous image is located. E.g. image:h1B7A5E0B is located at x: 620, y: 320 I want it to capture the location x:620, y: 320+50. What do I change to do this?

2. I've issues with MODI ever since I upgraded my operating system to windows 10. Sharepoint 2007 cannot be installed anymore. I found a open sources OCR but I need some guide on how to in-cooperate it into the code.
Macro Macro2761
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str s1
str fBmp="$temp$\qm_modi.bmp"

if(scan("resource:<Image>image:h1B7A5E0B" w r 16|128))
,OffsetRect &r 0 50
,CaptureImageOnScreen(r.left r.right-r.left fBmp)
,typelib MODI {A5EDEDF4-2BBC-45F3-822B-E60C278A1A79} 13.0
,MODI.Document doc._create
,MODI.Image im=doc.Images.Item(0)

2. Tesseract does not OCR screen text well. At least when I tested it last time, 1 year ago. It works well only with bigger font text. We can resize captured screen text, but OCR results are still poor. MODI is much better. I have the test macro, can post if you need.

For example, I tried to OCR your post with tesseract.
Results without resizing, time 7.5 s:
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I I want [a capture a iuage based on were me previms iuage is located. Lg. iuage:trttt7A5(ott is located at x: 510, y: 310 I want. [a capture the hcatiuu x:610,y:310-ó50.wltaldnldtange
[a do IItis?

1. We issues wilIt wont ever sitce I upgraded my npemt'llg system In witdrms I0. sttarepairt 1007 carmtbe itslaled anymore. I '01-GÇ£ a open Sources ocn Films:llgimubmnmliesseracr
acr/tesseractbut I need some guide on him In 'lirooopemle it itln the code.
Results when resized 3 times, time 0.9 s:
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This was my original OCR code. However, I have a 2 minor issues with this code.

1 . I want to capture a image based on where the previous image is located. E.g. image:h1B7A5EOB is located at x: 620, y: 320 I want it to capture the location x:620, y: 320460. What do I diange
to do this?

2. I've issues with MODI ever since I upgraded my operating system to windows 10. Sharepoint 2007 cannot be installed anymore. I found a open sources OCR https:llgithub.comltesseract-
ocrltesseract but I need some guide on how to in-cooperate it into the code.
Will be great if you can share the code as well. I'll play around with it. Thanks!
And for the rectangle. Is it possible change the capture size of the rectangle? E.g. It's 300x100 at the start I need to to be 200x80.
Change r.right etc with operator + or -. Or use function InflateRect.
EDIT: this is obsolete. New version:

1. Download/install tesseract. I downloaded from here:
2. Download/import FreeImage: Image manipulation with FreeImage graphics library

Macro tesseract
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;Tested 2017-03-15 with the latest tesseract version 3.05-dev.
;Too much OCR errors to be useful when the image is captured from screen, with small font.
;MODI works without errors with same image.

;change these values if need
str fTes.expandpath("$Program Files$\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe")
int scale=3 ;;how much to resize. Tesseract is very sensitive to text size. Usually with 2-4 works best. Fastest 2, slightly slower 3, then 4, slowest 1.
int captureNow=1 ;;if 0, will use previously captured file


str language;;="lit" ;;does not work
str fBmp.expandpath("$temp$\qm_tesseract.bmp") ;;this macro captures screen image and saves it in this temporary file
str fBmp2.expandpath("$temp$\qm_tesseract2.bmp") ;;this macro resizes the image, saves in this file, and passes this file to tesseract.exe

;capture screen image and save in file fBmp
if captureNow
,if(!CaptureImageOrColor(0 0 _hwndqm fBmp)) ret
,;if(!CaptureImageOnScreen(610 400 800 45 fBmp)) ret

PerfFirst ;;measure speed
;resize with FreeImage. Also tried GflAx, worse.
#compile "__FreeImage"
if scale>1
,FI_ShowMoreErrorInfo ;;optional
,FiBitmap x
,x.Load(FIMG.FIF_BMP fBmp)
,int newWidth=FIMG.FreeImage_GetWidth(x)*scale
,int newHeight=FIMG.FreeImage_GetHeight(x)*scale
,;FiBitmap x2.Attach(FIMG.FreeImage_Rescale(x newWidth newHeight FIMG.FILTER_BSPLINE)) ;;too much filtering
,;FiBitmap x2.Attach(FIMG.FreeImage_Rescale(x newWidth newHeight 0)) ;;FIMG.FILTER_BOX, bad OCR
,FiBitmap x2.Attach(FIMG.FreeImage_Rescale(x newWidth newHeight FIMG.FILTER_LANCZOS3)) ;;good
,FIMG.FreeImage_AdjustContrast(x2 10)
,x2.Save(FIMG.FIF_BMP fBmp)
,PerfNext ;;measure speed

;OCR (convert image to text)
str cl.format("''%s'' ''%s'' stdout" fTes fBmp) so
if(language.len) cl+F" -l {language}"
;out cl
if(RunConsole2(cl so "" 0x200)) end so
PerfNext ;;measure speed
PerfOut ;;measure speed
out so ;;show results

ret ;;disable this line if want to see the image passed to tesseract.exe

str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 1000 500 "Shows the resized image for 3 seconds"
;3 Static 0x5400000E 0x0 0 0 1158 174 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040308 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3"
str sb3
if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

sel message
,int x y w h
,GetWorkArea x y w h
,MoveWindow hDlg x y w h 0
,SetTimer hDlg 1 3000 0
,case WM_TIMER
,clo hDlg
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
,case IDOK
ret 1
When I install and run this macro, I get an error message saying 'item not found.' referring to the line #compile "__FreeImage"

I put FreeImage.dll in this location C:\Program Files (x86)\Quick Macros 2\FreeImage.dll

what did i do wrong?
Download and import the attachment.
thanks. I didn't notice that attachments. works really well.
Actually if there is still the same problem if you set the scale variable is > 1 even after the attachment is downloaded.
Now I tested tesseract 4.0.0 alpha. Works almost without errors, even with very small text, without resizing. Now don't need FreeImage.


Macro tesseract 4.0.4 beta
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;Tested 2018-06-20 with tesseract 4.0.0 alpha 64-bit.
;This macro uses the installed command-line program tesseract.exe.

;change these values if need
str fTes.expandpath("$Program Files$\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe")
int captureNow=1 ;;if 0, will use previously captured file


str language;;="lit" ;;note: for non-English languages use RunConsoleUTF8 instead of RunConsole2. And probably the language must be installed when installing tesseract-ocr. And in Options/General must be checked 'Unicode'.
str fBmp.expandpath("$temp$\qm_tesseract.bmp") ;;this macro captures screen image and saves it in this temporary file

;capture screen image and save in file fBmp
if captureNow
,if(!CaptureImageOrColor(0 0 _hwndqm fBmp)) ret
,;if(!CaptureImageOnScreen(610 400 800 45 fBmp)) ret

PerfFirst ;;measure speed

;OCR (convert image to text)
str cl.format("''%s'' ''%s'' stdout" fTes fBmp) so
if(language.len) cl+F" -l {language}"
;out cl
if(RunConsole2(cl so "" 0x200)) end so ;;for non-English languages use RunConsoleUTF8 instead

PerfNext ;;measure speed
PerfOut ;;measure speed
out so ;;show results

Function RunConsoleUTF8
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function# $cl [str&sout] [$curDir] [flags] ;;flags: 1 show window, 0x100 correct newlines, 0x200 exclude stdError

;Runs a console program, waits and captures its output.
;Returns the exit code of the process.
;Error if fails or the file does not exist.

;cl - program name or full path, optionally followed by command line parameters.
;;;Must be exe, not a document.
;;;Example: "$desktop$\folder\program.exe /a ''c:\new folder\file.txt''".
;;;Program path should be enclosed in quotes if contains spaces.
;;;QM 2.4.2. Expands path even if program path is enclosed in quotes. Example: "''$my qm$\an.exe'' /a".
;sout  - str variable that receives the output. If omitted or 0, displays in QM output pane.
;curDir - current directory for the program.
;;;0-255 - console window show state, like with ShowWindow API. If 0 (default), it is hidden.
;;;0x100 (QM 2.3.5) - replace nonstandard newlines in output. For example, replaces "line1[10]line2[13]" with "line1[]line2[]".
;;;0x200 (QM 2.4.4) - don't get standard error output.

;Expands special folder string in program's path and in curDir, but not in command line arguments.
;While waiting, this thread cannot receive window/dialog messages, COM events, hooks. If need, call this function from separate thread (mac).

;If current process is a QM console exe and you want the child process to use its console (like cmd.exe does), instead use <help>_spawnl</help> or similar function, or <help>CreateProcess</help>. See example.

;if(RunConsoleUTF8("schtasks.exe /?")) out "failed"

str sout2; if(&sout) sout.all; else &sout=sout2

;create pipe
__Handle hProcess hOutRead hOutWrite
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa.nLength=sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle=1

if(!CreatePipe(&hOutRead &hOutWrite &sa 0)) end "" 16
SetHandleInformation(hOutRead HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT 0)

;create process
if(flags&0x200=0) si.hStdError=hOutWrite
str s1 s2
if(cl and cl[0]=34) s1.expandpath(cl+1); s1-"''"; else s1.expandpath(cl)
if(!empty(curDir)) s2.expandpath(curDir)

if(!CreateProcessW(0 @s1 0 0 1 CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE 0 @s2 &si &pi)) end "" 16


;read pipe
int r
,if(!PeekNamedPipe(hOutRead 0 0 0 &r 0)) break ;;makes easier to end thread etc
,if(r<10000) 0.01
,if(!r) continue
,if(!ReadFile(hOutRead s1 10000 &r 0)) break
,sout.geta(s1.lpstr 0 r)

int ec
if(!GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess &ec)) ec=-1000

if sout.len
,;OemToChar sout sout ;;convert from OEM character set. Use A because W incorrectly converts newlines etc.
,;if(_unicode) sout.unicode(sout 0); sout.ansi
,if(flags&0x100) sout.replacerx("\r(?!\n)" "[]"); sout.replacerx("(?<!\r)\n" "[]") ;;single \r or \n to \r\n
,if(&sout=&sout2) out sout

ret ec

;TODO: support 64-bit System folder, like run does

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