07-31-2018, 02:25 AM
I am a starter with QM.
I tried to fin an example for handling an edit field text from the dialog editor . No luck in the manual.
I downloaded the archive files but they are much higher level what i am looking for.
Can somebody help me please with an example or where can i fine these specific basics in the manual?
I am attaching the dialog editor code.
str dd=
0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 224 136 "Dialog"
3 Edit 0x54030020 0x200 84 48 96 12 ""
1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 116 116 48 14 "OK"
2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 168 116 48 14 "Cancel"
DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040700 "*" "" "" ""
str controls = "3"
str e3
if(!ShowDialog(dd 0 &controls)) ret
Thanks for your help!
I am a starter with QM.
I tried to fin an example for handling an edit field text from the dialog editor . No luck in the manual.
I downloaded the archive files but they are much higher level what i am looking for.
Can somebody help me please with an example or where can i fine these specific basics in the manual?
I am attaching the dialog editor code.
str dd=
0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 224 136 "Dialog"
3 Edit 0x54030020 0x200 84 48 96 12 ""
1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 116 116 48 14 "OK"
2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 168 116 48 14 "Cancel"
DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040700 "*" "" "" ""
str controls = "3"
str e3
if(!ShowDialog(dd 0 &controls)) ret
Thanks for your help!