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Unable to get the HTML or Accessible Object

I need to input shipment tracking number into a website and find the ETA from it.

I tried using the 'Find HTML element' and 'Find Accessible object' tool. 
However the tool is unable to find the input field.

Kindly advise.

Track A Shipment menu
Booking number / Container number / Bill of ladding field

Best Regards,
Find Accessible object and Find Html Element are working np for me on that page

this is the code for Internet Explorer   (Find Html Element)

Function IE_find_html_test

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int w2=wait(3 WV win("- Internet Explorer" "IEFrame"))
Htm e=htm("A" "TRACK A SHIPMENT" "" w2 "0" 42 0x1 3)
Htm e1=htm("INPUT" "ctl00_ctl00_Header_TrackSearch_txtBolSearch_TextField" "" w2 "0" 7 0x101 3)

Htm e2=htm("A" "" "<a title=''Search'' class=''button postfix altButtonLight'' id=''ctl00_ctl00_Header_TrackSearch_hlkSearch'' onclick=''Crafted.Site.TrackingProvider.TrackEvent('track a shipment', 'click', 'flyout submit', 'HeaderTracking');'' href='javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(''ctl00$" w2 "0" 45 0x0 3)
int w=wait(30 WV win("Shipping Container Tracking and Tracing | MSC - Internet Explorer" "IEFrame"))
Htm e3=htm("DIV" "" "<div class=''copyPanel'' id=''ctl00_ctl00_plcMain_plcMain_pnlTrackingResults''>" w "0" 113 0x0 3)
str text=e3.Text
out text

 and for chrome  (Find Accessible object)

Function [b]Chrome_find_acc_test[/b]
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int w1=win("Google Chrome" "Chrome_WidgetWin_1")
Acc a.Find(w1 "LINK" "TRACK A SHIPMENT" "" 0x2011 3)
a.DoDefaultAction;; click track a shipment button
Acc a1.Find(w1 "TEXT" "" "state=0x100004 0x20000040" 0x2014 3);;opens the dropdown
a1.SetValue("12345b/12345cn/9878bol");;inputs text ..change text inside quotes to whatever you need
Acc a2.Find(w1 "LINK" "Search" "value=''javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(''''ctl00$ctl00$Header$TrackSearch$hlkSearch'''', '''''''', true, ''''HeaderTracking'''', '''''''', false, true))''" 0x2004 3)
int w=wait(30 WV win("Shipping Container Tracking and Tracing | MSC - Google Chrome" "Chrome_WidgetWin_1"))
Acc a3.Find(w "H3" "" "" 0x2010 30)
str text =a3.Name
out text

also for chrome , make sure Enable chrome acc when it starts is checked in QM Options(Tools- Options -- General Tab)
after doing some further checking acc and htm are giving different results on win7 compared to win10
redid the code on win7 and works on both computers now

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